Women of Grace

Women of Grace seeks to build life-giving relationships in the body among the women of GBC.

Who we are

Women’s ministry in GBC exists as part of the local church. We believe that discipleship happens best in and through relationships. Within GBC several of our groups are specific to women and are places in which we cultivate a relationship with God and others. It is within these communities that women build personal relationships and practise applying the gospel to our lives. Group members also serve together throughout the community and beyond, putting faith and compassion into action.

Whether you are young or old, the Lord uses our unique experiences to weave the gospel into the lives of other women and play a part in their life stories.

How to get involved

Twice a year, we hope to organise gatherings and trainings for all the women of GBC to gather, connect and study God's Word together. Throughout the rest of the year, the women are involved in formal groups or more informal discipling relationships. Many of the women are also plugged into their own care groups.

We have a number of women's Bible study groups that are open to anyone who desires a deeper understanding of biblical truths as well as those interested in exploring Christianity more in depth. Currently, we have the following women’s study groups:

Every Wednesday from 7.30 to 9pm

At this mid-week Bible study, there is a combined teaching session done with the men, before the women gather to do a study and discuss together. Contact Cheryl (cherylac23@gmail.com).

Every Friday, from 10am to 12pm

Open to all women who are keen to build relationships around God's Word and help each other grow in holiness and Christlikeness. Contact Jena (ptjt0201@gmail.com).

1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, from 9.30 to 11.30am

Mums are often busy and this group seeks to help mums (and grandmums) study and grow in God's Word together during this season of life. Find out more about their ministry and what they are doing here.  Contact Siew Ting (siewting@gracebaptistchurch.sg).

Open to women of all ages, the group uses the Precepts materials and is currently studying the book of Ezekiel. Contact Yoke Meng (abcchan3@gmail.com).

Every Saturday from 3.30 to 5pm

You can find out more about what women’s ministry is like, and some of the sharing by our ladies here:

Contact us

If you are keen to connect with other women in GBC or need more information about what we do, feel free to contact Bibianna (bibianna@gracebaptistchurch.sg).