Young Adults
We exist to make disciples who follow Jesus in joy for the glory of God.
Who we are
The Young Adults (YA) ministry is primarily geared towards 19-25 year olds.
University students and NSmen (Young Adults) are a growing part of the Grace Baptist Church family ever since the ministry began in 2009. Since January 2011, the Young Adult Ministry team has been pursuing:
Mission: To make disciples who follow Jesus in joy for the glory of God
Vision: A community where individuals are moving through the cycle of Christian maturity
What we do
As a ministry, we get together regularly for:
small group discipleship sessions at least twice a month where we study the Bible in depth and share our lives together,
a large group gathering where we come to sing, share, pray and hear God's Word taught before we think hard about application,
doing life together or serving others in the church and community. Examples include a board games evening, celebrating Chinese New Year with older members of the church, organizing a blood donation drive, holding evangelistic talks, etc...
Other than that, our ministry also:
organizes an annual Young Adults Retreat designed to strengthen discipleship
provides discipleship training for Bible study leading and other essential skills
recommends and distributes books and resources to support Young Adults who want to grow in their Christian walk
Read more about some of our past events here:
How to be involved
Every Christian is called first and foremost to turning away from their sins and putting their faith in Jesus Christ. After that, we are born again to become a part of His family - the church. In the church then, we are called to love one another and help one another grow. We do this best through our discipling small groups and at our big group activities. If you’re interested in being discipled, or attending a big group session, we'd love to have you!
If you would like to find out more, please contact Joshua (joshua@gracebaptistchurch.sg), Elder Nehemiah (nehemiahchong92@gmail.com), or Deacon Kagen (kagelim@gmail.com).