Growing in the Gospel

On 18 November 2023, our ladies gathered for "Women of Grace" event titled "Growing in the Gospel". The event aimed to gather women around God's word and to encourage them to continue holding fast in the gospel. Through the workshops, devotion, discussions and even casual conversations, women could get to know one another, and also seek to build up others in the faith. 

About close to 70 women turned up that morning, and it was encouraging to see women of all ages and backgrounds come together. There were also some visitors to GBC and friends who were not from GBC who came too. 

The morning started with a time of worship led by Charissa and Jo Keow. The ladies were then split up to attend either one of two workshops of their choice. Joanna spoke on the topic of "Bringing the Gospel to Others", emphasising its importance and how we can do so. Jillian and Ai Cheng were also given time during the workshop to share their experiences in sharing the gospel with their colleagues, neighbours and people whom they met on the street. 


Megan spoke at the other workshop—"Growing in the Gospel at Home". Drawing from 2 Peter 1, she encouraged the women to hold fast to the calling they have received and guard their personal walks with God. Jo Keow and Christina also shared their struggles and experiences over the years, as they sought to hold fast to the gospel through their different seasons. The ladies were also given time to share and pray for one another in small groups. 


The ladies also had a chance to hear from Melissa, one of our recent trainees, share from Titus 2. Melissa encouraged women to read and obey God's Word, not just individually, but with other women. A model of discipling is given for us in Titus 2, and she encouraged the women present to consider how they can obey it in their unique seasons and circumstances. 


It was encouraging to hear different women teach and share faithfully from God's Word. It is our prayer that the women present hear and see how these women strive to obey God's Word, even though it is not always easy. Though we all might face different circumstances and struggles, we hope that sessions like these encourage us to press on, and trust that God in His wisdom is doing a good work in our lives, and will also provide the strength for us to trust and obey Him. We pray that God will raise more women from among us who are able to teach other women! 

We always try to make available good literature at our women's gatherings and at this session, all the books that were provided were snapped up by the women. The complete list can be found here. We pray that these books will bless and encourage the women, and they will also be able to read and share with other women. 

We hope to be able to organise more of such events next year. In the meantime, if you'd like to be connected to read with other women, you can fill in this form, and we'll contact you shortly: If you have any questions about the ministry or some of the ladies group that meet in the week, feel free to write to Bibianna ( or Carrie ( 


Introducing New Care Groups (Dec 2023)


Growing in the Gospel: Books Shared