As a church, we desire to love and serve our neighbours and bring them the gospel.
Goals of the ministry
We seek to encourage our church to love and serve our neighbours and to make friends, and to tell our friends about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Through these platforms for service, we hope to meet the practical needs of our neighbours, get to know them and to build friendships. We pray for opportunities to tell our friends about our best friend Jesus Christ and His good news that He came to seek and save the lost and to die for his friends.
Areas of service
We have the following Compassion Ministry platforms where you can participate in:
1. Gladiolus Place
We hope to build relationships with the girls from Gladiolus Place and this year, we seek to do so by providing home-cooked dinners monthly. If you’re interested to find out more about this ministry and how to partner along, please email Felice (felicewst13@gmail.com) or Pastor Oliver (oliverchia@gracebaptistchurch.sg).
2. Outreach to the neighbourhood
We have been visiting our neighbours and inviting them to join us for various events and church services. For more information about how you can help, please email Pastor Oliver (oliverchia@gracebaptistchurch.sg).
Read more about outreach in the life of the church here:
Contact us
If you would like to find out more about the Compassion Ministry or are keen to be involved, you can contact Pastor Oliver (oliverchia@gracebaptistchurch.sg).