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Events Bibianna Yeo Events Bibianna Yeo

Women’s Ministry Walk 2024

The ladies of GBC went for a walk on the morning of 13 July. That morning, about 50 women of all ages and 20 children came together to walk the grounds of Gardens by the Bay. 

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For Disciples Bibianna Yeo For Disciples Bibianna Yeo

Growing in the Gospel: Books Shared

At our recent Women of Grace "Growing in the Gospel" event, books were made available for the women to read, and be encouraged to read with another person. These books were carefully selected and focused on the gospel, how we can apply the gospel as women and also some books on explaining the gospel to non-Christian friends. 

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Articles Others Articles Others

Growing in the Gospel At Home

At the recent women's ministry "Growing in the Gospel" event, Megan, one of our members taught from 2 Peter 1:3-10 at a workshop. She encouraged the women to remember God's saving work and strive to live in a manner worthy of the calling they have received.

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Articles Others Articles Others

Growing in the Gospel: A Devotion from Titus 2

At the recent women's ministry "Growing in the Gospel" event, Melissa, one of our members who also recently completed her traineeship, gave a devotion from Titus 2. She walked the women through God's Word and encouraged all present to read and obey His Word. 

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Articles Carrie Chong Articles Carrie Chong

The Ministry of Women: Discipleship

Carrie, one of our ministry support workers for women's ministry, reflects on her time in ministry. She shares her heart and hope that women will continue to minister to one another with the word and also be equipped to handle the word.

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Events Bibianna Yeo Events Bibianna Yeo

Bearing Burdens: A Women of Grace Event

"Bearing Burdens" is a women's ministry event that was held on 19 November 2022. This is a follow up from the first Women of Grace event in May where the ladies had a time to get to know one another and meet after a period of COVID separation.

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Articles Carrie Chong Articles Carrie Chong

Reading the Psalms on Friday Mornings

Do you know that a group of ladies meet regularly on Friday mornings to study the Bible? Carrie has been a part of this group that have been meeting for years now, even before COVID. She shares some of the lessons and encouragements from reading the Psalms together.

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