Watchnight Service 2024

We gathered as a church in the last few hours of 2024 for our annual Watchnight Service. The Watchnight Service is a time for us to gather as a church family to reflect on the past year. In doing so, we desire to thank God for His faithfulness and provision, and to commit to following Him again in the year ahead.

Looking back at the year together through photos and a video.

Daniel Chen, one of our Elder Associates, opened the time with prayer while Darius Ng, led us to praise God in a time of worship. We also watched a video recap of the year’s activities. Indeed, there were many things that took place in our life together, and we are thankful to God for the opportunities to live life together.

After that, we heard from three members about how they have grown in their relationship and reliance on God in 2024.

Testimonies from 2024

Cherie Sim shared about how 2024 was a difficult year for her as she started the year with a series of health issues in her family. Cherie has also been battling crippling anxiety and around the middle of 2024, she had a near-death experience with her heart almost failing. This was unexpected as she had no issues before this. She shared that despite all that happened she is not resentful towards God. In fact, she testified to God’s protection at every step. She realised that she cannot do life alone and God-given friendships are a sweet gift. Cherie also realised that fighting for joy in Christ is an active, intentional action. She exhorted the church to run to Jesus and cling to Him in all things, and to persist in obeying God in all things, even the small things. As Galatians 2:20 reminds us, we have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us. The life we now live in the flesh is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us. 

Next, Miracle Grace shared on behalf of her and her husband, Bryan Tan, on the passing of their stillborn daughter, Jubilee Praise, this year. She shared three of her biggest struggles and what she has learnt through this. Firstly, she admitted that seeing other infants in church still fills her with grief sometimes. She rejoices with other families but still aches at the loss of Jubilee. Secondly, she also struggles with well-meaning but sometimes hurtful words from those around. As she wrestled with this, she shared how she prayed for wisdom to forgive and the grace to understand them. Through this she realised that the gift of presence is important and helpful for those who are grieving. Finally, Miracle Grace shared how she is still recovering from this grief. There are times when she’s asked if she’s “ok” but she wonders what that means. She reminded us that God never promised a life free of pain but promises His presence and a peace that only He can give. In the children’s book, “The Moon is Always Round”, the authors use the example of how the moon is always round, though on our end, we see it wax and wane. In the same way, God is always the same – His goodness does not change. Miracle Grace closed by sharing how Isaiah 40:31 is her hope and encouragement. 

Lam Lup Meng was next and he recently finished six years of being an elder. He took the chance to share a couple of things that he learnt while serving. Firstly, clarity and conviction on doctrinal issues are important. This was something he learnt and developed while serving and learning on the job. Secondly, Lup Meng learnt that growth and fruitfulness cannot be engineer. As an engineer, he spends his days engineering solutions to problems at work. But while serving as an elder, he realised that he cannot engineer his way out of problems and God’s Sprit has to work in the hearts of His people. He has also seen God at work in his own family, and testifies to the truth of Ephesians 2:8-9, that it is only by grace that we have been saved, through faith. Finally, he strengthened his convictions about the reasons to come to church. As Ephesians 4:11-16 teaches us, pastors and elders are members of the same body and their job is to build up the church. When the church gathers, we, the members, seek to build up each other in the faith. 


Sharing by members about their encouragements and struggles in 2024.

Small Group Sharing

After hearing members share, we also had a time to share in smaller groups of 3-4 people. All who gathered formed smaller groups with those around them and spread out around the Sanctuary to share about one personal struggle they had in 2024, how the church came alongside them, and one thing they are thankful to God for in 2024. It was encouraging to see the church at work, caring and loving one another by being present and also praying for one another.

Devotion from Revelation 4-5

Elder Gerald gave a short devotion from Revelation 4-5. In the new year, he reminded us to turn our eyes from what is worth it to who is worthy. He encouraged us to consider how our actions show who is worthy in the coming year, both individually and as a church. Man may be worthy of admiration but only God is worthy of adoration. And as God’s word’s reminds us, He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and end. He exhorted us to live 2025 Coram Deo.

Testimonies for 2025

Another three members shared about how 2024 was for them and their hopes for the new year. Kitty Mori received a cancer diagnosis and also underwent cancer treatment in 2024. Yet through it all, she testified to a peace of God that surpasses all understanding. She was also thankful for all the friends and family that have been praying for her. She is cancer-free now but is still undergoing treatment. She prays that she will be more and more like Christ and seeks to do His will in 2025, one day at a time. She also expressed her willingness to be used to encourage others in the church, especially those who are also walking through similar circumstances.

Next, David and Xiu Min shared how they found spiritual rest and connection at GBC. They are relatively new members, having joined in 2024. They are thankful for the weekly services which have been instrumental in helping them to worship God and focus on Jesus. They were also encouraged by the Reformation Concert, when they saw how people worshipped together and this helped them to look forward to Christ’s return. They also shared how thankful they are that people have been quick to connect with and share life with them. In the new year, they seek to find ways to serve and build up the church too.

Finally, Caleb Lee shared how 2024 was a year when he learn how to deal with emotions and saw how being a Christian was not about being stoic. He was challenged to pray and bring even his emotions to God. Speaking with others in church has also been helpful, as they also corrected him and in doing so, he has been learning to align his emotions to what God says. 2025 is set to be a year of transition, as he graduates from university and enters the workforce. At the same time, this means that he will also be leaving his university Bible study group. He seeks prayer that he will continue ti pursue the right things amidst these changes.


Members shared how the church mattered to them and what they are hoping for in the year ahead.


Prayer Priorities in 2025

Pastor Andrew took some time to share our prayer priorities for 2025, which is included here for us to continue to pray!

We had another time of sharing and prayer in groups to pray for GBC to grow towards these priorities in 2025 and that we will apply these priorities to life together as a church.


The Watchnight Service closed with a final song – O Great God – which helped us to focus our eyes on our good God who does not change. The final verse of this song is one that we can pray for us to grow in 2025: 

Help me now to live a life
That’s dependent on Your grace
Keep my heart and guard my soul
From the evils that I face

You are worthy to be praised
With my every thought and deed
O great God of highest heaven
Glorify Your Name through me


Sermon Schedule — The Gospel of John: Behold the Son


Family Dedication (December 2024)