Family Dedication (December 2024)
We ended the year with a Family Dedication at our 29 December service! This is an opportunity for parents to commit to raising their children in the Lord. It is also for the church to welcome and come alongside them by supporting the discipleship of these children.
Four families participated in this Dedication, and they were:
the Thias — Zhang Jie, Sherrilyn and baby Ethan
the Chans — Austen, Jessica and baby Oliver
the Chuas — Frederick, Rachael and baby Christopher
the Hongs — Wei Jie, Christine and baby Daniel
Pastor Jeremy reminded us how our Lord Jesus showed us how important children are to Him by welcoming them even after a long day of ministry (Matt 19:14). At GBC, we too, rejoice and give thanks for the gift of children.
In committing their children to the Lord at this amily Dedication, parents express the commitments that are found in Deuteronomy 6 and Ephesians 6. These passages exhorts parents (and adults) to teach the next generation to love God, treasure His truth and walk in His ways.
Pastor Jeremy gave time to the families to share why they chose these names for their children, before they made their commitments before the church to raise and disciple their children. The church was also invited to respond by pledging to help them.
Pastor Jeremy also prayed for these families and parents in our church. He prayed that God will continue to keep parents close to Him, even when needs and circumstances might feel overwhelming, and that God will give them the strength to get through each day. He also prayed that they will continue to recognise and treasure this opportunity to showcase a sacrificial love that ultimately points to Christ’s own love. Pastor Jeremy also prayed that God will guard marriages, that husbands and wives will continue to grow in love for one another and care for each other in the midst of parenting. He also led the church to pray for these newborns, and also the children at GBC, that they may come to know the gospel and to love Jesus. As a church too, he prayed that we may grow in our love and support for families, even if it may be inconvenient, and that we may continue to hold out the truth to these children.
As always, our growing Children’s Ministry is looking for more Sunday School Teachers and Nursery Volunteers. If you are keen to find out more, do contact the Children’s Ministry team at or stop by the check-in table outside the Sanctuary before Service.