Thanksgiving and Installation of Elders

At our 11 August 2024 service, we thanked God for the faithful service of one of our elders, and also welcomed new elders. Lup Meng has been serving faithfully for the past 6 years, and is stepping off for a well-deserved break after serving 2 terms as an elder. At the same time, we recently affirmed 3 new elders – Toshiyuki, Steven and Andrew. Andrew is also our new Pastor for Counselling and CGs. 

Pastor Eugene read from 1 Peter 5:1-5, as a reminder to both the church and the elders about the responsibility of elders to the church. They are to “shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock” (1 Pet 5:2–3). Their goal is to “receive the unfading crown of glory” when the “chief Shepherd appears” (1 Pet 5:4). As a church, Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Pet 5:5) 

Pastor Eugene invited Lup Meng up to share some things he is thankful for. Firstly, he shared that serving as an elder allowed him to gain a greater understanding and clarity of what God’s Word says about the church and how she is to live out God’s purposes. Secondly, he is also thankful to God for a family that has been supportive. 

Indeed, we thank God for sustaining Lup Meng and providing for him and his family (Winnie, Ethan and Esther) over all these years. We pray that they will continue to grow, love and serve God as they continue to be members in our community.  

Next, Pastor Eugene also invited up the new elders whom we have affirmed at our recent Members’ Meeting. Eugene led them through the elders’ vows as they pledged to serve among us. The church was also invited to respond at the end, as we affirmed their service and committed to serving alongside them. 

Elder Caleb led the church in prayer for these new elders, and also gave thanks for Lup Meng’s service:

Almighty God our Father we praise you for supplying us with godly men who serve us as elders. 

Your Word tells us that you give shepherds to the church to build and equip the saints for the work of the ministry and for building up the body of Christ until we attain unto maturity. 

To this end, we give you thanks and praise for our brother Lup Meng and indeed others who have served us in this way. We pray that in this season of rest that Lup Meng would be refreshed from his labour and receive encouragement from the body. Bless him and Winnie richly that they would delight more and more in Christ and in the confidence of their salvation. 

We turn now to entrust our new elders: Andrew, Steven and Toshi into your care, that you would bless them with your own favour, grant them a portion of your spirit for ministry and mighty power to teach your Word and shepherd the flock at Grace. 

May they be instruments of sacrificial love and tender compassion from your own heart, full of wisdom and skill with patient endurance to minister among us, free from the fear of man and desiring to please you only. Would you make them approved workmen who rightly handle the word of truth so that they would be both faithful and fruitful. Make them men of the Word with unshakeable convictions, able to contend for the truth once for all delivered to the saints. 

We also pray that you would protect and guard their families - their wives and children - as they serve us, that they would be defended and guarded from the assaults of the enemy. 

So now Lord, we commission them as holy vessels set apart for honourable use, for the master of the house ready for every good work. 

Grant us, as a team of elders, one spirit to work in unity under the Chief Shepherd Jesus Christ, whose flock we gladly tend as His servants. 

Help us as a church to honour and esteem them highly as our leaders. 

And receive O Lord, all the glory and praise for Jesus’ sake.


Church, let us continue to keep our elders in prayer as they serve among us. They are, after all, also members in our body. Check in on them and their family members when you see them on Sundays! Or, considering inviting them out for coffee during the week or for lunches on Sundays.


Reformation Concert 2024


Thanksgiving Prayer Service 2024