Sermons (By Series)
Glorify God in the Midst of Trials (Psalm 57:1-11)
We can glorify God in the midst of trials.
Rejoice Exceedingly With Great Joy (Psalm 100:1-5)
Christians rejoice in God because He has revealed Himself, invited us in and will keep every promise in Jesus.
Holy, Holy, Holy (Psalm 99:1-9)
God's holiness in His power, authority, justice and mercy should lead us to worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
Joy to the World (Psalm 98:1-9)
God's holiness in His power, authority, justice and mercy should lead us to worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
The Return of the King (Psalm 97:1-12)
All creation rejoices in the righteous rule of the Lord.
Singing as Missions Strategy (Psalm 96:1-13)
Your whole self should join the whole of creation in worship of the coming King.
Rejoice the Lord is King (Psalm 47:1-9)
The sermon, “Rejoice the Lord is King” was from Psalm 47:1-9.
A Very Present Help in Trouble (Psalm 46:1-11)
The sermon, “A Very Present Help in Trouble “ was from Psalm 46:1-11.
How Lovely is God's Anointed King (Psalm 45:1-17)
The sermon, “How Lovely is God's Anointed King” was from Psalm 45:1-17.
When Faith and Reality Do Not Line Up (Psalm 44:1-26)
The sermon, “When Faith and Reality Do Not Line Up” was from Psalm 44:1-26.
Put Your Hope in God (Psalm 42:1-43:5)
The sermon, “Put Your Hope in God” was from Psalm 42:1-43:5.
Hope for the Helpless (Psalm 41:1-13)
The sermon, “Hope for the Helpless” was from Psalm 41:1-13.
A Song of Praise in the Midst of Grief (Psalm 40:1-17)
The sermon, “A Song of Praise in the Midst of Grief” was from Psalm 40:1-17.
Make Me Know My End! (Psalm 39:1-13)
The sermon, “Make Me Know My End!” was from Psalm 39:1-13.
A Desperate Plea for God's Forgiveness (Psalm 38:1-22)
The sermon, “A Desperate Plea for God's Forgiveness” was from Psalm 38:1-22.
The Work of the Christian (Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 111:2 -4,9, Ephesians 2:10)
The sermon, “The Work of the Christian” was from Genesis 1:26-28, Psalm 111:2 -4,9, Ephesians 2:10.
A God-Father for the Fathers and the Fatherless (Psalm 103)
The sermon, “A God-Father for the Fathers and the Fatherless” was from Psalm 103.
The King of Turnarounds (Psalm 118:1-29)
The sermon, “The King of Turnarounds” was from Psalm 118:1-29.