When Faith and Reality Do Not Line Up (Psalm 44:1-26)

Sermon Outline

  1. The Faithful Trust in God’s Deliverance (Ps 44:1-8)

  2. Yet The Faithful Suffer (Ps 44:9-22)

  3. The Faithful Continue to Cry out to God (Ps 44:23-26)

Reflection Questions

  1. 1. Where do I go when things do not go according to my expectations? What does that reveal about whom I trust?

  2. How can confidence in the sovereignty of God look like in my life as a disciple of Jesus? What kind of responses should I pursue in this difficult season of life?

  3. How can I contribute to help our church become a community where “the strong” help and “the weak” get helped? How can we genuinely sing this Psalm 44 together?


How Lovely is God's Anointed King (Psalm 45:1-17)


Put Your Hope in God (Psalm 42:1-43:5)