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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Members' Meeting (14 Jan 2024)

Beginning January 2024, our Quarterly Congregational Meetings will be renamed Members' Meetings, as they will be held more regularly—once every two months, instead of once every quarter. The goal is to provide members with more regular updates about membership matters and church life.

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Recap of 4Q23 QCM

On 1 October 2023, we had our final Quarterly Congregational Meeting of the year. It has been quite a busy and encouraging quarter and year, and our pastors and lay elders shared various updates about our life together as a church.

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Recap of 3Q23 QCM

We held our third Quarterly Congregational Meeting (QCM) of 2023 on 2 July 2023. The Fellowship Hall was full as members, and even some visitors, stayed to hear of updates in the life of the church, and to participate in prayer.

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Recap of 2Q23 QCM

On 2 April 2023, we held our second Quarterly Congregational Meeting of the year. Our pastors and elders took us through what went on in the past quarter, and also some new and exciting developments. 

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Recap of 1Q23 QCM

We held the first Quarterly Congregational Meeting on 8 January 2023. The meeting agenda was packed as we looked back at the last quarter of 2022 and also heard of the key plans for 2023.

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Recap of 4Q22 QCM

On 2 October 2022, we held our last Quarterly Congregational Meeting (QCM) of the year. What a year it has been, and how it has flown by! A large part of the meeting was spent recounting the various events of the year, and also looked forward to things to come.

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Recap of 3Q22 QCM

On 3 July 22, we had our first in-person Quarterly Congregational Meeting after more than two years! We thank God for the great turnout and fruitful meeting.

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Recap of 1Q22 QCM

We held our first Quarterly Congregational Meeting (QCM) for the year on 9 Jan 2022, recounting and giving thanks for the wonderful deeds of the Lord in our midst, and committing the new year to Him. 

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Events Grace Enews Events Grace Enews

Recap of 2Q21 QCM

On Apr 11, we held the second Quarterly Congregational Meeting (QCM) for 2021, where we welcomed new members, and were updated about new care groups, new office holders, upcoming sermons series and Equip. Pastor Ian and Sherri also shared with us their plans.

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