Recap of 2Q23 QCM

On 2 April 2023, we held our second Quarterly Congregational Meeting of the year. Our pastors and elders took us through what went on in the past quarter, and also some new and exciting developments. 

Pastor Mark opened the QCM with a welcome and opening prayer. Unlike previous meetings, this meeting was held in the Fellowship Hall. Families and children were free to use Room 310AB during the meeting so that the children could have their own space to be entertained. It was encouraging to see members stick around to participate in the meeting.  

Ministry Thanksgiving

Elder Caleb then walked us through 10 points of ministry thanksgiving. A more detailed writeup can be found on our blog, but in summary, he thanked God for:

  • Shepherds. We thank God for the team of pastors and elders who teach and preach God’s word each week, and our recent reelection.

  • Prayerfulness. We pray in our services for gospel advance in Singapore and beyond, had a prayer walk in Macpherson. Our prayer meeting every last Sunday of the month has seen better attendance and encourage more to join us.

  • Learning. We’ve had good opportunities to learn at EQUIP and also learnt from hymn writer Matt Merker on congregational singing.

  • Servants among us. Each Sunday, members come in early and stay late to teach children, prepare coffee, set up sound equipment and enable live-streaming, run nursery, presenting music, leading in singing. We thank God for all your service. 

  • “Newjoiners”. Every new member is a gift from God. 

  • Babies. Each baby is a gift of life and we have had babies born out of difficult pregnancies, challenging circumstances in this quarter. We continue to pray for the salvation of our young ones.

  • Missions. This quarter has been extraordinarily busy for missions and we will hear more later. These are all ways the Lord is using us to serve the nations.

  • Friends in ministry. Our partnerships exist because we are growing like-minded friendships around the world. Praise God for all these men and women whom we’ve befriended this quarter.

  • Care. Apart from new CGs or the faithful work of our existing CGs in ministry, we also have untold examples of Christian love and care in the congregation.

  • Tomorrow. We have church camp to look forward to and f the Lord wills, we will even more thanksgiving points from the camp next QCM.

We thank God for His provision, and as Elder Caleb prayed, as a church, we desire for Jesus to be glorified in and through us as we continue to serve Him.


Membership updates

Pastor Oliver introduced us to the new members. 12 new members joined us last quarter! He reminded us from Romans 15:5-7 which Paul wrote to a church that was made up of different people to encourage them to live in harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus that they may, with one voice, glorify God. This too, is our heart’s desire, and we welcome each new member as Christ has welcomed us, for the glory of God (Rom 15:7). We were briefly introduced to each new member, and also learnt of how we could pray for each one of them. The church was also encouraged to connect with them.

Pastor Mark also took us through 2 matters pertaining to membership – giving and attendance. We thank God that members have been giving generously in the first quarter, and encourage us to continue to do so prayerfully. He also drew our attention to the Member Care Fund, which has been designated for members who may require financial help. If any member needs help, they are encouraged to approach the elders.

We are also glad that many have returned to worship in person on Sundays. The attendance at our services and also for the children’s Sunday School has been consistent. We are also encouraged that many are also participating in the prayer meetings on the last Sunday of the month. Pastor Mark ended by encouraging all members to look out for those around them that have not been as regular and reach out to them. As much as possible, we wish to encourage members of the church to also attend and be the church at our Sunday gatherings.

Looking ahead

Pastor Eugene took us through various things that we can look forward to in the next quarter under the categories: growing in the word, growing people, and growing the gospel.

Growing in the word

  • We will continue in Exodus in the next quarter.

  • The next Church Matters was held on 15 April, from 9am to 1pm. If you’ve missed this, look out for the one in the third quarter of 2023.

  • EQUIP will also be running 2 classes. These are weekly classes that take place on Sunday, from 11am to 12pm. “Knowing the Truth: Christian Doctrines” which runs from 9 April to 21 May is a good series to help us understand what we believe from Scripture. “The Gospel and Mental Health: Care for Caregivers” will take place on 11 and 18 June.

Growing People

Growing the Gospel

  • The Baptist Pastors Leaders Retreat took place from 10 to 12 April. Pastor Eugene spoke at the retreat which some of the pastors and staff attended. Pray that fruit will come from the time of getting to know the other Baptist pastors, and that these friendships will continue to be encouraging.

  • Pastor Mark has been meeting the leaders of Covenant Baptist Church, and is going to teach regularly at the church on what a healthy church looks like. Let us keep this church, and this effort in prayer.

Elder Jonathan is the elder serving with the Missions Committee and he took the chance to update the church on our vision for missions. This is just a summary, and you can read more about our missions presentation in this article.

Missions in GBC exists to support GBC's vision to make disciples of all nations. As a ministry, we aim to achieve it by:

  • Sending and supporting disciple-makers among peoples and nations in Asia, prioritizing the unreached;

  • Growing indigenous local churches; and

  • Working through sound partnerships to advance the gospel.

He also shared with us some of the missionaries that we are supporting and partnering with currently. We are also supporting a number of projects, such as Kathy’s Home in Pua. In 2023, we also have had the chance to establish new gospel partnerships.

  • First Baptist Bandung
    They are an Indonesian church that partners with local churches to raise up and send indigenous missionaries to unreached and unengaged ethnolinguistic people groups. We are partnering them by financially supporting 3 missionaries sent to Northern Sumatra, and hope to explore further ways GBC members can be involved.

  • Bangkok City Baptist Church
    Located in the heart of Bangkok, Elder Jonathan and Pastor Mark had the chance to visit them in August 2022. They have established a publishing ministry that translates articles and books aimed at equipping local Thai pastors for ministry. We are financially supporting 1 book translation project on Expository Preaching by 9marks. There are also discussions about short-term evangelistic opportunities and longer term attachment options for members seriously considering the call to Missions.

  • Dream Quest International (DQI)/Life Lite Christian Church (LLCC)
    LLCC is a church of 70 people gathered together through a study sponsorship program. We were connected with them through one of our members who planted this church, and they’ve since grown. A team recently visited to teach, preach and establish relationships. Our partnership is one of training and equipping as they transition from a student ministry to a church. Pray for them as they formulate their statement of faith and move towards formal membership.

These are exciting developments! Let us continue to keep these in prayer. Our God desires for the nations to know Him and at times, our own hearts have not shared God’s heart. Let us confess our apathy, but also turn to God in faith, trusting that He can change our hearts and stir up in us a desire to bring the gospel to the nations. Let us continue to be praying for the work done in our region, that our gospel partners and missionaries will continue to be faithful! Let us also prayerfully consider how we can be more involved in the gospel proclamation work among the nations.

At the end of the meeting, the church was given a chance to respond by breaking up into smaller groups to keep these items in prayer! Prayer is an important part of our life together, and it is how we can all be participating. Continue to pray for these items, and also look out for updates at our prayer meetings, enews to see how God has answered our prayers.

At the end of the QCM, we also recited our Member’s Covenant. This serves a reminder for us to be the church before we scatter into the world in the week. We are encouraged by all that we have heard at the meeting, and us continue to keep these in prayer! Our next QCM will be in July, but before that, see you at the weekly services and monthly prayer meetings where we also have a chance to participate in body life. 


Update on Missions (April 2023)


10 Things to Thank God For from Q1 2023