Baptisms and Transfers – 21 and 28 July 24
We had the joy of witnessing the baptism of 7 new members over two Sundays in July — 21 and 28 July. These new members had been introduced during our Members Meeting on 14 July, where members of GBC voted to receive them.
On 21 July, Angalin, Jeremy and Shayna shared how God saved them by grace. All three of them shared how they had grown up in church or had been exposed to the gospel as they grew up. But God used different circumstances and challenges to draw them to Him.
Jeremy testified to how God used His Word to speak to him:
God revealed to me the biblical answers to my guilt when I was doing a Bible study on the Book of John. This answer can be broken down into three parts.
Firstly, I realised that the spiritual challenge was a temptation from the devil. He used the lie that my salvation must be accompanied by great works. This is false because John 14:6 tells me that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus, as He is the way, the truth, and the life – only faith in Jesus saves. I am not saved by my works.
Secondly, I realised there is no need to compare my calling to Peter’s. This is shown in John 21:20-23, … These verses taught me to focus on my calling from Jesus and not be a busybody comparing my calling to someone else’s calling.
Thirdly, I realised that I was more reliant on my cognitive knowledge of the Bible than on a spiritual understanding of it. Having gone through Sunday school, I knew the verses that I just mentioned. However, I never had the spiritual wisdom to counter the temptation of the devil.
Angalin testified to God’s faithfulness in her life through the ups and downs that she experienced. The faith and testimony of her mother also left a great impression on her. At her baptism, she testified:
Throughout my life, God has never forsaken me. I knew nothing about Him, and for a short time, I thought I understood Him when I actually did not. I got to know Him through my mom and how He led her. I went to my father’s church and left, and I fell into depression and had no church. And even this very second in my life now, I see nothing but His love for me and His goodness.
For Shayna, she shared:
The book of Romans filled me with amazement at God’s infinite wisdom and love revealed through the gospel. I knew this demanded a response, and I felt a calling to live my life in worship of this great God. My perspective shifted as I started to see obedience as a privilege instead of a burden.
Today I can rejoice, assured that sin no longer has a hold on me. The work of my salvation is accomplished by Jesus, and it is solely God’s grace that led me here. I am thankful for the Spirit’s conviction and help in transforming my heart. Because of Jesus’ work on the cross, I can live a renewed and purposeful life with full confidence in God’s direction, “For from him and through him and to him are all things” (Rom 11:36a).
The following week, on 28 July, we heard from and baptised 4 new members — Abie, Esther, Nicole and Wei Jie. Abie grew up in church and shared how a busy schedule distracted her. But God used His Word to speak to her:
Hebrews 5 and 6 also served as a sobering warning to grow up in Christ so as to not fall away. These passages reminded me to remain steadfast in my faith amidst worldly distractions that promise fleeting pleasures. I was convicted of my spiritual immaturity and self-exalting behaviour, realising my need for Christ.
Looking back, I am grateful for faithful Christians who have discipled and journeyed alongside me. They have reflected God’s unconditional love and demonstrated what it means to live a Christ-like life. God has always been faithful, even in moments of my unfaithfulness.
Like Abie, Esther also grew up in the church. She testifies to God’s enduring faithfulness and provision for her through the challenges and struggles that she had:
During my lowest point, God did not abandon me. He sought me out through the love and support of Christian friends and family who prayed with and for me, pointing me back to Christ and reminding me of my true identity in Him.
I now understand that I am a sinner in need of a Saviour and that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, lived a sinless life, died for my sins, and rose again, conquering sin and death.
Nicole and Wei Jie were recently married, and were also baptised on the same day. For Nicole, her journey of faith led her to different churches over the years. God also used a study in Romans to teach her about God’s steadfast love for her and she professed her faith in Christ before the church:
Today, while I still struggle with sin in everyday life, I know how important it is for us to be trusting in Jesus, living for the gospel, sowing in communities, loving others more than myself, and giving everything we have to the Lord, in anticipation for His return.
Wei Jie also testified to God’s faithfulness despite his own faithlessness over the years. He experienced God’s grace and continues to live by faith:
Although my heart is still prone to wander today, I continue to put my faith in God’s finished work on the cross where He sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. Having chosen us to be his children, he has justified us and promised us our sanctification which continues to stand today.
Their testimonies were encouraging and helped us to see that God is still at work, slowly but surely in our world. As each member went into the water and emerged during baptisms, the church rejoiced with them. The Word preached, taught and shared, can be used by God, so let us continue to hold fast and guard the gospel that we have been given.
We welcome Angalin, Jeremy and Shayna!
A warm welcome to Nicole, Wei Jie, Abie and Esther!
Members, if you’d like to stay connected with other members, you may request a copy of our Members’ Directory from the church office, either in person, or by writing to
If God has used these baptisms and transfers to prompt you to find out more about membership at GBC, join us at our next Church Matters class on 7 September 2024 from 9am to 1pm (lunch will be provided). If you are interested to find out more about this God that they speak about, feel free to reach out to our pastors, elders or your care group leaders! We'd love to chat and share more.