Our Praise Song (Luke 1:39-56)

Sermon Outline

"When Mary magnifies the Lord, she isn’t making him bigger; she’s increasing the love and joy and worship of her heart until it is more in line with how great God is!” (Mike McKinley)

  1. We rejoice because of the blessed Child of Mary (Lk 1:40-45)

  2. We rejoice because of God’s saving power (Lk 1:46-50)

  3. We rejoice because of God’s faithfulness to his promises (Lk 1:51-55)

Reflection Questions

  1. In what specific ways will I praise the coming King with my lips and with my life during this Advent season?


Light and Life to All He Brings (Luke 1:57-80)


The Coming of God's Deliverer King (Luke 1:26-38)