Worship and Music Ministry

The worship and music ministry is currently looking for more people to serve as song leaders, musicians, projectionists, sound technicians and video camera operators. We connect with Elder Lup Meng who leads the ministry to find out more about the ministry and how we can pray for the ministry.

1. Could you share with us what is the vision/aim of the worship and music ministry? 

The worship and music ministry aims to lead passionately in vibrant corporate worship that is gospel-centered and biblical. Our goal is to encourage the congregation in the truths of our faith through the singing of hymns as well as contemporary and original songs of worship that focus on the gospel of Jesus Christ in our worship services.  

2. Could you share with us the make-up of the existing team? How many worship leaders, musicians and AV crew do we have?

The team comprises of over 40 people with diverse background and age groups from young adults to retirees. We have about 8 song leaders (including co-leaders), 15 musicians and 15 AV crew. (This does not include the choir which is led by Esther Wong.)

During this global pandemic season, we have had to make some adjustments, especially in the area of online and live streaming and we would like to encourage more to join us in serving His people in this area. 

3. What are the technical skills required? What kind of training will be provided?

We're looking for musicians who can play any of these instruments: piano, keyboard, drums, bass, guitar, or any other solo instruments such as violin, flute, etc.. Basic technical proficiency in these instruments are required, but training to play in a band and in a worship service environment will be provided.

For the AV crew, we are looking for folks to be projectionists, to operate the video cameras or to manage the sound system. Some background in these areas will be helpful but not necessary as training will be provided. 

4. For those who are keen to serve, could you share with them the commitment levels?

We usually schedule people to serve once a month on average, but it can be changed or adjusted based on each person's availability and comfort level. 

5. Do I need to be a church member to serve?

We require that song leaders be subject to the accountability of being members of the church because they are responsible for choosing the songs and leading us in worship. For other roles (e.g. musicians, AV crew), we do not have that requirement, as long as they profess to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. However, they are strongly encouraged to seek meaningful membership in the local body of believers in GBC.  

6. How can we pray for this ministry?

Please pray that we will continue to serve with joy amidst the frequent adjustments that has to be made during this COVID-19 period and that the Lord will be the source of that joy and strength. 

Pray that we will continue to find ways to connect and help encourage the congregation to sing and worship God in song, even though we cannot yet meet and sing together as a large congregation.


Witnessing for Jesus Christ


Adjusting to Changing Normals