Witnessing for Jesus Christ

Do you find it difficult to share the gospel? Pastor Oliver invites Michael Wee to share how he depends on God to tell of the good news of Jesus Christ.

One of the challenges we faced right now is how do we reach others with the good news of Jesus Christ amid this COVID-19 pandemic? How can we continue to be a faithful witness to the gospel? I recently had a meet-up with some brothers from Grace Baptist Church to talk about evangelism and outreach. I was encouraged by how talking about Jesus Christ was a natural part of their lifestyle. In particular, Michael Wee shared how out of concern for his old classmates during this pandemic, he began calling them. And as a natural outflow of his conversations during these COVID-19 times, he talked to them about spiritual matters. He prayed and took the opportunities that presented themselves to seed the gospel and talk about Jesus Christ. From the way he described it, I was struck by how simple and natural it was for him to do so. It doesn't take a seminary training to witness to Jesus Christ. I invited Michael to write on and share his perspective on witnessing and evangelism, and he cheerfully agreed. Below is Michael's sharing on how he continues to be a faithful witness to the good news of Jesus Christ in these unusual times. 

I have always been fascinated with the different ways people come to know the Lord God. I would like to share that the process of discovering and receiving Jesus Christ is truly an act of God's grace. God's grace makes it possible for some to believe when you share the gospel. Many times when I shared, I faced questions—questions that deal with issues such as the creation and the origins of life; suffering and death; the meaning of life and the concept of God. No matter how much time I spent researching or studying, I still might not be able to give a satisfactory answer. 

But there comes that one time when faced with a situation that drives one to despair, and then that person finds an answer to his question. That moment comes when doubts give way to faith—and understanding comes. Who is Jesus Christ? He came to share the message of God's good news—Jesus came to die in our place on the cross for our sins, and He rose again for our eternal life. Now, you understand God's love and His plan for redemption. You desire sanctification and growth in Christlikeness. Heaven and hell become more than a mere concept. 

I recall how God had used me to speak to a waiter at a corporate function I attended. I asked if she would like to come to church and know more about Jesus Christ. She said, "Yes." We made arrangements. She came to church and she continued coming faithfully. She met her future husband and was married and is now a mother of two lovely children. The invitation was simple. The process through which God worked in her life was wonderfully involved and complex. 

In the book of Acts, we were told of the encounter of Philip with the Ethiopian eunuch. The Holy Spirit said to Philip "Go over and join his chariot" (Acts 8:29). Philip obeyed and did as he was told. Philip was invited to sit with the eunuch and simply explained what the prophet Isaiah wrote. The result was that the eunuch believed in the Word and received Jesus Christ. He was then baptised. 

Today, we too will find numerous examples of how the gospel was simply shared as people obeyed God's leading. This led to people trusting in our risen Saviour. Their life circumstances may not be smooth. Some may be in prison when they come to the Lord. Some may come to Jesus after a divorce or failure in business. Others may receive Jesus Christ on recovery from COVID-19. Yet others may trust in the gospel of Jesus Christ when spurred by the death of a close relative or friend. God has to work through their complexities and meet them amid the challenges of life, thereby making His grace relevant and meaningful to each of them. My mother was one such person. She also trusted in the Lord when she was at wit's end regarding a home situation. Things were not going right at home. I suggested we pray for God guidance. She agreed. I prayed and soon after a month or so, there was reconciliation in the family. God used this prayer and event to draw her progressively to church. She attended regularly, heard and received the gospel and was finally baptised. 

The starting point of this process of life-change is the hearing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our responsibility is whether we are willing to share this good news. I encourage you to ask the Lord to give you opportunities to share with others. As the Holy Spirit guides you, names would come to your mind. Pray for them. Whether it is doing your daily chores or working in the office, you would meet many people. Some have no problems in their lives but there will be others that are searching for answers to questions and facing challenges. You may not have the answer to all their questions. However, what you can do is that you can point them to Jesus Christ. And when they search deeper, I am sure God will give them answers and draw them to Himself. For conversion is all of God—we believe because it is God's work to awake and enliven hearts. Our responsibility is to tell of the good news of Jesus Christ. And this starts with simply sharing about what our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has done for us.

Conversion is God's work; our responsibility is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. May God multiply the numbers who will hear, heed, obey and witness to the wondrous gospel of Jesus Christ, who came to seek and save the lost (Lk 19:10). 


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