Watchnight Service 2023
In the final hours of 2023, we gathered as a church at our annual Watchnight Service. Though it was a Sunday evening and we also had our regular Sunday gathering that morning, many came back to spent time together on the last day of the year.
Pastor Mark opened the service by reading from Psalm 90. In particular, Psalm 90:12 was timely as we looked forward to a time of reflecting on the past year and looking ahead to the new: “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” This too, should be our prayer.
The service began with a video recap of the many events of the year. Indeed, God has provided for and blessed us in 2023 with gatherings at the corporate level (e.g. Church Camp, Quarterly Congregational Meetings, picnics) and also at the ministry level. Many members too, congregated in their own care groups, informal discipling groups etc., and did life together in various forms. Praise God for His provision and work among us!
Next, we had a time to hear testimonies from various members, who were asked to share the following:
What were some encouragements and struggles in 2023?
What has God taught me in 2023? What can I give thanks for?
Pastor Oliver shared how it has been a tiring year both in terms of work and personally. In the second half of the year, he spent time at ACTS Baptist Church. His family also required his help and care where his late brother required palliative care and subsequently was called home to be with God in November. These events taught him to serve amidst weakness and he learnt again how our God is one who cares and shows steadfast love and faithfulness. Pastor Oliver also experienced God’s care through the ordinary means—the church. These events taught him that the gospel can be trusted and he saw how it gave him and his brother hope. This gospel is genuinely our only hope in life and death and this changes everything.
Nicholas and Aurelia were next to share. 2023 taught Aurelia to trust that God is good amidst conflict with other Christians and even as she struggled with doubts about her secure identity as a child of God. Through it all she experienced God’s grace and kindness at the right time, especially when He brought people in the church to her. She witnessed various church members’ patience and perseverance even in their struggles and this strengthened her faith and trust in God.
Her husband, Nicholas, expressed his gratefulness to God for how they have grown in the first year of their marriage. This year has deepened trust in Him and they have seen how faithful God is.
Helen shared that she experienced God’s favour and blessing in George’s progress this year. She was encouraged also by the regular visits by the church in the week. Gathering with God’s people on Sundays has also been encouraging for both Helen and George. Helen also shared how George continue to desire to gather with God's people!
Finally, Chong Tien concluded this section by sharing how 2023 saw efforts to reach out to senior members gained momentum from church camp, Sunday gatherings with sharings on various topics by Shiyun and Helen, morning fellowship in November and December. It was encouraging because members saw a need and sought to met it, and he encouraged more to continue doing so in 2024.
Sharing by members about their encouragements and struggles in 2023.
Following the sharing by members, there was a time for all present to reflect and pray in groups. The groups were to share a struggle and how the church has come alongside them this past year, as well as one thing to thank God for this year. It was encouraging to see people gather in groups of 3-4 with others present—some of whom they’ve met for the first time—to share their reflections.
Toshiyuki Mori, who is also a deacon for Worship, shared a short devotion from James 4:13-15. As a long-time member of GBC, Watchnight Services were exciting times as a youth, as he looked forward to staying up late and ushering the new year, with its new hopes. But as adults, some of the excitement might have faded, as we are keenly aware that our resolutions are often not kept. What does it mean for us to take stock? What are we doing together?
Through this text, he pointed us to 3 key truths about God:
God is sovereign (Jas 4:13)
God is eternal, we are not (Jas 4:14)
God desires for us to seek His will (Jas 4:15)
As we end one year and head into another, he left us with some questions to think about:
What occupies your heart and mind that takes time and energy away from the gospel?
In light of the gospel, what should I do more or less of?
What does it mean to align my life to His will?
Church members were also invited to share their hopes for 2024. In particular, they focused on how the church has mattered to them and what they are hoping for in the year ahead.
Samuel, one of our staff, kicked us off by sharing how the church embraced him and how it feels like family to Him. Many in the church have opened their lives and invited him into their homes and in doing so, have shown Christ to him. He prays that in 2024, he will grow to be a better steward of the gospel that we have been entrusted with.
Esther, who has been at GBC for more than 60 years remarked that church looked different upon returning after COVID and was so encouraging for her. She prays that in 2024, our church will grow not only in numbers but also in spiritual maturity. She prays that we will obey and love God and one another, bear burdens and forgive one another. On top of that, she hopes that we will go out with the gospel of truth and be a light in the community, that those living in darkness will be attracted to Jesus, who is the light of the world.
Kim Cheng was thankful for the consistently good teaching both on Sundays from the pulpit, as well as the chance to study it in smaller groups such as at the Wednesday Bible Study. He prays that he will continue to be faithful and press on to finish well in the year ahead.
Daniel is thankful for GBC which has served as his and his wife’s spiritual family since they’ve returned back to Singapore. They have had the opportunity to walk with members through joys and pains and has seen God at work this past year, and prays for God's continued provision in the next year.
Members shared how the church mattered to them and what they are hoping for in the year ahead.
Pastor Eugene took some time to share our prayer priorities for 2024 under the following categories: gospel, gather, grow, go.
As 2 Thessalonians 1:11–12 reminds us, “To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Let us commit all things to God in prayer.
The service ended with the worship team leading us to sing “All Glory be to Christ”. It was a fitting end to the service, and reminded us of God’s continued faithfulness.
Pastor Mark closed the service with a well-chosen benediction from Isaiah 40:28–31:
Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the faint,
and to him who has no might he increases strength.
Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted;
but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.