Upcoming Weekender

Grace Baptist Church will host our very first Weekender on the 5-8 of September 2024. Joshua has been helping with the coordination and planning of this Weekender, and he shares ways that the church can participate in prayer and by offering practical help.

What is a Weekender?

The Weekender is aimed to be a reflection on the life and inner workings of a church seeking to grow in health. The Weekender is an opportunity where pastors and elders from other churches in Singapore and around Asia can come to learn from one another how to grow to be a healthy church. 

What will happen during the Weekender?

During the Weekender we will consider the biblical doctrine of the church and applications to local church life. Participants will attend different teaching sessions and workshops working through what it means to be a healthy church. 

They will also be able to see how GBC operates as a church. Participants will get to observe both the corporate gatherings of the church such as our Sunday service, Members’ Meeting and also our Church Matters class which teaches on our church life and membership. In the week, they’ll also observe some behind-the-scenes preparation and operations, such as how the sermons are prepared, and our elders’ meeting.

How can I be involved as a member?

We are excited that over 40 pastors, lay elders and ministry workers will be attending this. Around 30 of our participants are coming from overseas, from countries such as Cambodia, the Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, Nepal and India. We have been sharing and praying for the participants at our previous two Prayer Meetings, and let us continue to keep them in prayer as they prepare to come.

As a church, let’s also welcome them when they attend our service on 8 September. Our service may feel a bit fuller that morning, so let’s make space in the pews where possible. After service, say “hi” over a cup of coffee or tea. Get to know them personally and find out how God is working in the churches they are from. We can find ways to encourage them in their time with us.

How can I help?

We are also looking for volunteers to show hospitality during the Weekender. Specifically, there will be various time slots where you will be able to come by and take our guests out for a meal or coffee, and to hear about how God is working in other parts of Asia.

If you are keen and available, please sign up here or contact Joshua (joshua@gracebaptistchurch.sg).

How can I pray?

If you aren’t free to help host a meal or coffee, don't worry! You can still support the Weekender through prayer. Please pray for the following:

  1. Participants’ safe travels as they make their way to Singapore.

  2. Good connections and partnerships with other churches can be formed for the sake of the gospel.

  3. That everything will come together and that the Weekender will run smoothly as the staff make the final preparations.

  4. For those preparing teaching sessions, and the session itself, that our teachers will be clear, biblical and gospel-centred. 

  5. That the gospel will be proclaimed and God will be glorified through the witness of healthy churches around the world.


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