Recap of 4Q22 QCM
On 2 October 2022, we held our last Quarterly Congregational Meeting (QCM) of the year. What a year it has been, and how it has flown by! A large part of the meeting was spent recounting the various events of the year, and also looked forward to things to come.
This was the first weekend where we combined our Saturday and Sunday services, and had the Lord’s Supper served by the elders and deacons at our service. Both of these have not been possible since COVID broke out in 2020. Thus, it was timely and fitting that we also gathered as God's people at QCM after the service!
Gathering as God’s people
The meeting opened with a time where members could share and pray in groups.
Following that, Pastor Eugene spoke briefly about gathering as God’s people from 1 Corinthians 12:26-27. We see firstly, our identity as the body of Christ. Secondly, these verses also give us the imperative, what we are to do as the body of Christ. If one member suffers, all suffer. We are not to have an individualistic and self-centred view of the Christian life. We share in both the joys as well as the sorrows.
Eugene also shared how thankful he is that we can now gather as one assembly regularly, as God’s people. Some of us may not be able to do so regularly because of various reasons such as work or health, and he encouraged us to remember them in prayer or to find ways to connect with them.
However, there are some in our midst who have been irregular or absent and the elders have been trying to reach out to but have not received a response. During the membership updates, the names of these members were shared so that those of us who know them can try to reach out or check in on them, and find out how they are doing. He reminded us that the membership updates at each QCM is the most important part of the meeting! The people of God matters the most, and as 1 Corinthians 12 tells us, we are members of one body, members of one another.
In January, we hope to renew our membership. This will involve members signing off on the statement of faith and the members’ covenant. Eugene encouraged us to think of this not as an administrative exercise but a way for members to express their commitment to Christ and to one another. More details will follow!
Membership updates
Elder Lup Meng updated the meeting on members who have transferred out and are worshipping at other churches, as well as those whom the elders have been trying to reach out to but are unable to contact. He encouraged those who know them to drop them a message and for all to be keeping them in prayer.
Elder Caleb then introduced the 14 members who have joined us in the last quarter. Gizelle, Vincent, Evelyn, Jesher, Christina, Joel, Grace and Teng Yun were introduced to the members and also shared their prayer requests. Huang Zi, Sin Lee, Peggy, Elizabeth, Izabella and Wubin also joined in the last quarter, but were unable to be with us at the meeting. You can read about their baptisms here and check out their testimonies here.
We were glad that (L-R) Teng Yun, Grace, Joel, Jesher, Christina, Evelyn, Gizelle and Vincent were able to join us for their first QCM as members of the church!
Budget updates
Next, Elder Nehemiah gave an update about the finances as well as the budgeting process in the life of the church. This is an important aspect in the life of the church. A big part of membership is to know what goes on in the life of the church and to make good decisions about what we use our money for.
He began by giving us a review of 2022, recounting what we set out to do, and what we have done. We had 3 key priorities for our budget: people, ministry and kingdom.
In terms of people:
We have added to our team a pastor and ministry apprentice, and 3 interns for the period of July to November.
We are also investing in those who are pursuing theological education.
In terms of ministry:
We thank God that we have been able to resume in-person life. Our ministries are also in need of volunteers, so if anyone is interested, please contact the respective ministries!
We are excited to be able to hold a Reformation Concert this year and thank God for all who have stepped up!
We thank God for adding children and families to us. As a church, we seek to hold out the gospel to our children, that they may come to know God as their Saviour. This was reflected in the various events, trainings and resources that we have sought to provide for our children, youths and parents.
We are looking to develop new leaders. We welcomed a new elder and 6 new deacons in 2022. There were training groups that read and learnt about what it means to be a healthy church, deacons and elders. Our CG leaders have also been meeting at monthly CLOBS trainings.
In terms of kingdom:
We’ve sought to strengthen outreach and discipleship through the different ministries such as Christian Education and Women’s Ministry. Members were also equipped for evangelism through training and resources. We have a weekly book table and periodic book giveaways to introduce and encourage members to read good books. Our CGs were grouped into 8 zones to meet and get to know each other to strengthen body life
We want to grow our CGs. There is a total of 27 CGs, with 2 new ones this year. These groups are led by a total of 75 CG and YA leaders.
We want to develop a pipeline of gospel workers. We are looking at 1 new elder, 6 new deacons, 3 new ministry interns, 1 ministry apprentice and 2 Bible College students on field education.
We have been looking at our missions plans. The Committee has been reviewing our ongoing support for GBC missionaries. We are also exploring new ventures – DQI visit in Tacloban, Bangkok City Baptist Church and also preliminary discussions with SINERGI/First Baptist Bandung.
We desire to cultivate gospel partnerships. In 2022, we have been working closely with the following churches by providing preachers for Acts Baptist Church, Neighbourhood Baptist Church, Evangel Baptist Church, etc. We are also hosting monthly meetings with pastors from different churches.
Nehemiah also gave some updates on our finances. Our General Offering has decreased slightly, and is running slightly under budget. This could be due to more members and more ministry opportunities with easing measures and increasing need, and therefore, more resources needed to sustain the various efforts. He encouraged us as members to commit to giving faithfully.
We thank God for how our Missions Offering has increased, and is above budget. Let us continue to thank God for clear and increasing conviction for missions. The recent reopening of borders in the region and around the world means that we can also resume short-term missions efforts. Nehemiah encouraged us to continue giving as our missionaries and the Missions Committee continue their faithful service.
Next, Nehemiah took us through the budget process.
In 2023, we want to continue our investment in people, ministry and the kingdom. We wish to refresh our focus on new missions projects and also look outside our church, to work towards plans for revitalising and planting. Nehemiah encouraged us to respond to all that we have heard by committing to praying for GBC, giving faithfully and participating actively as a member.
Upcoming events
Pastor Oliver took us through some upcoming events.
1. Reformation Concert
We are excited for the first concert after four years, and this is the fourth concert that we are having. Through this, we hope that our congregation will learn to sing better as a congregation. The theme of the concert is also in line with current sermon series in Galatians.
The concert will be held on 29 October, Saturday at 8pm (more info here). Let us invite our friends and family to this. Apart from the concert, there will be a sneak preview on 23 Oct, Sunday at 2pm. The choir will also be singing at service on 30 Oct, Sunday.
The team shared that we can pray for unity as the various ones rehearse and prepare. Pray for relationships to be built and deepen as all 130+ members work together. Pray that God will be glorified through this concert.
2. Bearing Burdens: A Women of Grace Event
The Women’s Ministry will be gathering again on 19 November. This is a follow up from the first Women of Grace event in May where the ladies had a time to get to know one another. Read more here, and you can also sign up here.
3. Missions and Evangelism
We will have a series of EQUIP sessions from now to the end of the year to help members who are interested in learning more about how to share the gospel with those around them.
There are also some outreach events that we're planning in the next quarter. We are planning to hold an outreach to the MacPherson neighbourhood in the evening of 18 December, Sunday. This will be a combined outreach effort held together with our Chinese Congregation members.
Our Christmas Service on 25 December, Sunday, will also be a good platform to invite those we know to come and hear the gospel, and see God's love lived out in the church.
In response to all that we heard, members had a time to commit everything to God in prayer. Indeed, we cannot do all that we set out to do nor are we able to change lives and hearts by our own efforts! Only God can.
The meeting concluded with us repeating the Members’ Covenant, reminding ourselves of our responsibilities as members.
The QCM was followed by a lunch. It was heartening to see the church come together to share a meal and lives. Until the next QCM, let us continue to strive to meet and maintain our relationships with one another!