Ministry Trainees 2023

The Ministry Traineeship, formerly known as the Ministry Internship, runs from July to November this year. For this cycle, we have four trainees joining us -- Melissa Fam, Clarice Cheong, Roy Lam and Joshua Shoo.

Melissa is no stranger to some of us, as she is currently serving as the Deaconess for Children's Ministry. We also have the chance to partner with Acts Baptist Church through this internship, as Roy and Joshua are their leaders. As we have already heard, Pastor Oliver is currently serving with Acts Baptist Church for these six months, from July to December 2023. We hope that they will be built up and encouraged through these efforts. 

To help us know these trainees better, we have interviewed them and also requested that they share how we can be praying for them. Do say hi and encourage them if you see them around at service, at meetings or at the various church events! 



Clarice Cheong






Church Picnic on 13 Nov 2023


Confessing Our Sins Using The Beatitudes