Church Picnic (10 April 2024)

We had our first church picnic of 2024 on 10 April 2024!

Five months have passed since the last picnic, which was held at the end of November 2023. Once again, many from GBC came and spent the morning together on a public holiday. As always, people showed great hospitality by bringing food for themselves and to share with others.

The weather had been unseasonably (and unbearably) hot, and that certainly was a concern for many church members. However, the skies were overcast and cloudy on the morning of the picnic and many were worried about whether it would pour. Indeed it did rain at one point, but it did not dampen the mood of those present. Some families moved to take shelter in the nearby building, and it turned into an alternative spot to gather. They also took the chance to explore the gallery and learnt more about Singapore’s history. Others whipped out their umbrellas and continued to chat outside.

By God’s grace, it was a passing shower, and the picnic pretty much continued uninterrupted!

We hope that these picnics can serve as opportunities for church members — families, marrieds, singles, young, old, long-time members, newer members — to meet others outside of the Sunday gathering. Sundays are often busy days and we hope that these gatherings on public holidays can provide a more comfortable and casual setting to get to know one another. Watch this space for the next church-wide gathering and we hope to see you there!


The Blessed Life


Thanksgiving for our Director