Baptisms and Transfers – 24 November 2024
We baptised and welcomed two new members — Han and Timothy — at our 24 November service. Members of GBC had voted to receive them at the Members’ Meeting on 10 November, together with six others who joined us by transfer — Simone, Caleb, Roy, Pauline, Darius and Themreiso.
Pastor Oliver reminded us that it is a real joy for Christians to witness the baptisms of other believers. Han and TImothy have responded to the gospel by repenting of their sins, and turned in faith to trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus for their salvation. In doing so, they have been saved and raised to new life in Christ.
Han had grown up in a Christian family and God used His word to convict her of sin. She testified to how salvation belongs to God alone:
I suddenly saw in a way I had never before, that I could offer nothing to my salvation at all and it is solely because of the death of Jesus Christ that my sins are fully forgiven and I have been adopted into His kingdom. I had always thought I knew this, but it felt like I had never truly known it until this moment.
After that experience, God has shown me more of what it means to trust in Christ alone for righteousness. Whenever I am tempted to feel condemned because of my sins and weaknesses, I remember that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, as it says in Romans 8:1. It has been and will be an ongoing struggle to not base my righteousness on my works but on Christ my Saviour. But I am sure that He who is faithful will surely keep me to the end.
Next, Timothy confessed that he lived in disobedience to God and did not desire Him. But God, in His grace, helped him to see his sin. Timothy repents and believes in Jesus and trusts by faith that he has full forgiveness in Christ:
Growing up, I got caught up with school, hanging out with friends and football training and matches. I also used to hang out with non-believers, resulting in me doing things that do not please God. I have been struggling with anger issues and ADHD from a young age, resulting in myself using my medical condition as an excuse for sinning. I always take it for granted that God will always forgive me. However, there was an incident last year that made me think about my faith and my walk with God. Also, since joining young adults, it got me thinking more about my relationship with God. I also begin to question why am I always arguing with my family members and friends as God has commanded us to love one another. I also realised that I have been idolising football and my freedom to do what I like. I then realised that I have neglected God's Word and yet He has always been there for me.
(From L-R) Caleb, Simone, Han, Darius, Timothy, Roy and Pauline. Theremiso is not in the picture.
At the end of the service, the new members were presented to and welcomed by the congregation. GBC members also warmly welcomed them after the service, with many stopping to shake their hands and even to chat with them!
Members, if you’d like a copy of the testimonies or wish to stay connected with other members, you may request a copy of our Members’ Directory from the church office, either in person, or by writing to
If God has used these baptisms and transfers to prompt you to find out more about membership at GBC, you can also write to us at Our next membership class will tentatively be on 11 January 2025.
If you are interested to find out more about this God that they speak about, feel free to reach out to our pastors, elders or your care group leaders! We'd love to chat and share more.