Walking with the Weak (Romans 14:1-12)

This sermon was preached by Caleb Yap.

Sermon Outline

(A) Reflect on the Roman church context

  1. What does “justification by faith alone” mean? (Rom 1-11)

  2. What does “grace together” look like? (Rom 12-16)

(B) Keep Christ’s judgment seat in view (Rom 14:9-12)

  1. How should we think Christ’s return and the judgment seat He will occupy? 

  2. Why should Christians especially, think hard about that judgment seat?  

(C) Welcome, don’t judge and despise one another (Rom 14:1-8)

  1. Who’s weak and who’s strong?

  2. What does Paul have to say to both groups – and to us?

Heidelberg Catechism

Q52. “What comfort is it to you that Christ will come to judge the living and the dead?”
A. “In all my sorrow and persecution I lift up my head and eagerly await as judge from heaven the very same person who before has submitted Himself to the judgment of God for my sake, and has removed all the curse from me. He will cast all His and my enemies into everlasting condemnation, but He will take me and all His chosen ones to Himself into heavenly joy and glory.” 

Q81. “Who are to come to the table of the Lord?"                                                             
A. “Those who are truly displeased with themselves because of their sins and yet trust that these are forgiven them and that their remaining weakness is covered by the suffering and death of Christ, and who also desire more and more to strengthen their faith and amend their life. But hypocrites and those who do not repent eat and drink judgment upon themselves.”

Reflection Questions

  1. Are you living “in honor of the Lord”? What will you say when He finally calls you to account for your life?

  2. How is the Holy Spirit showing you that you might be judgmental of, or despising your brother or sister at GBC?

  3. What would it look like if we practically “welcomed” one another right away?


Welcome One Another (Romans 14:13-15:13)


Live in Light of the Day (Romans 13:8-14)