The Greater Show on Earth (Acts 8:9-25)

Sermon Outline

  1. The Background (Acts 8:9-13)

    1. Understanding the Magi…

    2. In Simon, the greatest p________________ in Samaria meets the greatest                P_______________ in the universe.

    3. Simon proves that b______________ cannot save

  2. The Transformation (Acts 8:14-19)

    1. B______________ is passed through the laying on of hands.

    2. Simon sought to purchase the p____________ not the b________________

  3. The Consequence (Acts 8:20-24)

    1. Bread attracts M_______________... but it does not transform them.


Application:  Why does this story matter?

  • I can make a decision for Christ, but only Christ can t_________________.  

  • When we come for anything else but Him, we become a shallow, impotent, performance-based, religious version of what we were before we met him…

  • When we come for everything else He gives, we won’t have Christ.

  • But when we come for Christ, we have everything else He gives!


An Immediate Obedience (Acts 8:26-40)


Going in Obedience, Serving with Joy (Acts 20:17-38)