The Coming King (Matthew 21:1-11)

Sermon Outline

  1. The Prime Minister who rides a bicycle

  2. Where are we in the story?

  3. The King Comes (Matt 21: 1-4)

    1. Jesus comes not as a ____________ king but as a __________ king who brings __________

  4. Mistaken Expectations of the King (Matt 21:5-9) 

    1. Jesus comes not as a _______________ king who delivers the Jewish people from their Roman oppressors but as a king who brings peace to us all by __________ _____.

  5.  Our Response: “Who is this”? (Matt 21:10-11)

    1. Who is this Jesus? Are you willing to ______ ______?

    2. Who is this Jesus? Are we willing to make this Jesus __________ to our neighbours in Macpherson?

    3. Who is this Jesus? Are our ____________ of Jesus accurate?

    4. Who is this Jesus? How is our church ____________ the King of Peace?

  6. Jesus is the King who comes down to bring Peace 


The Way to Life is Our Way of Life (1 Peter 4:1-5)


The Persuasion of Persecution (Acts 8:1-8)