The Christian and the Cross (Luke 9:18-27)
This sermon was preached by Caleb Yap.
"There are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below.” (Charles Spurgeon)
Sermon Outline
Jesus preached the "kingdom" throughout Judea (Lk 4:43-44). The King's authority and fame "spread" (Lk 9:2, 9). Twist in our passage: the first of 3 predictions about the Cross -- how does this affect the King and His followers?
The Christian confesses Christ (Lk 9:18-20)
The cross is central (Lk 9:21-22)
The Christian takes up the cross (Lk 9:23-27)
Reflection Questions
How has the Cross of Christ shaped the way I live?
Have I given in to a Cross-less Christianity? What habits do I need to cultivate to keep the Cross of Christ central?
Are there specific areas of my life where God's Spirit is calling me to self-denial and following Him?