Sermons (By Series)
Worship Our Great God (Isaiah 66:1-24)
Worship our Great God who offers us comfort from suffering, unending joy, and salvation from eternal judgment.
Joy for the Faithful in the New Heavens and New Earth (Isaiah 65:1-25)
This week's sermon, “Joy for the Faithful in the New Heavens and New Earth” is from Isaiah 65:1-25.
The Divine Warrior who Judges and Saves (Isaiah 63:1-64:12)
God judges the godless. We are to respond rightly to His words.
The Redeemer’s Song (Isaiah 61:1-62:12)
The Lord is the faithful Redeemer who takes delight in His redeemed people
The Conquering Lord (Isaiah 59:14-60:22)
Take heart, for the conquering Lord will save His people.
The Perils of False Religion (Isaiah 58:1-59:13)
God condemns false religion, is repulsed by sin and desires true worship.
God’s People: Ideal vs. Reality (Isaiah 56:1-57:21)
God calls His people to display His glory through repentant trust.
The Great Invitation (Isaiah 54:1-55:13)
The Lord saves, so be encouraged and come to Him.
The Suffering Servant is Christ Our Victorious Redeemer (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)
We can have salvation and hope because Christ is the suffering servant who suffered on our behalf and secured the victory for us
God Will Surely Save (Isaiah 49:1-50:3)
Be assured to God’s commitment to save; keep trusting Him.
God’s Persevering Patience (Isaiah 48:1-22)
God confronts persistently problematic people with His persevering patience.
The Servant, the Saviour and the Sovereign (Isaiah 42:1-45:25)
We turn to our Sovereign God, who saves us through His Servant.
God vs. Idols (Isaiah 41:1-29)
Turn away from idols, and trust in the God who cares for us .
Behold Our God! (Isaiah 40:1-31)
The incomparable God can and will save those who trust in Him.
In Whom Do You Now Trust? (Isaiah 36:1-39:8)
God is faithful to His promises to deliver His people, but we are unfaithful to God.
The Highway of Holiness (Isaiah 34:1-35:10)
The most important thing about you is who you trust.
God’s Impending Judgement (Isaiah 28:1-33:24)
God’s judgement is coming, so turn to Him for salvation and a glorious future.
A Sword, A Vineyard, and A Trumpet (Isaiah 27:1-13)
Confidence in God’s promises is essential to our perseverance.