Enough is Enough (Hosea 7:1-9:17)

This sermon was preached by Samuel Beh.

Sermon Outline

  1.  Introduction

  2. All sin is evil, and God remembers every sin

  3. All sin is evil, even if it gets us the outcome we want

  4. All sin is evil, even when it seems like the wise thing to do

  5. All sin is evil, even when we’re doing “Christian” things 

  6. All sin is evil, and must be punished

Reflection Questions

  1. What is sin? Why is it important that we take sin seriously?

  2. Christians have been rescued from the curse of sin because of Christ’s work on the cross. What then should our motivation be to fight sin?

  3. Is there a sin in your life that God used today’s message to convict you about? Have you repented of that sin? What are some practical steps you can take to address the sin (see Rom 8, 2 Cor 5, Gal 5, and Eph 6)


The Compassionate Father (Hosea 10:1-12:14)


Hear and Return (Hosea 4:1-6:3)