Who Am I?

Joshua shares what the youth leaders have been learning about how the world thinks of identity, and how it contrasts with what we have been reading in Galatians. This important topic is also the theme for the youth camp this year. 

Our youth leaders have just finished reading the book “Strange New World” by Carl Trueman. This book was an insightful commentary about how people in modern western society often view themselves.

Trueman shows how we came to this strange new world, aka modern society, by looking through history of the West, resulting in the Modern man aiming to seek and be “true to himself”. Trueman outlines how people then hold the belief that they can define themselves, which has transformed the way society thinks about sex and gender. This has ultimately primed us to accept claims like those of the transgender movement.

In summary. the book outlined how the person became a self, how the self became sexualized, and how sex became politicized.

If you have time, I highly recommend you read this book. It is a good way to understand the world we live in and what is happening in the West, which will eventually flow to the rest of the world through the internet and social media.

The modern self says we can determine our own identity. However, contrary to this belief the Bible says our identity is based on things outside of ourselves. Our identity is shaped by our nationality, our gender, our family and cultures… just to name a few. These things are external and objective factors that God has intentionally chosen. So at the heart of it, our identity is not something that we assign to ourselves but rather it is based on how God has designed us. We do not determine our own identity, God does.


Although the book of Galatians has been addressing the issue of faith versus works, Paul also addresses the issue of identity. Why? It is important for us to know and remember our identity as well as how we receive this identity. It is this identity that we are now freed to live out. For the Christian, Paul is very clear: our identity is now in Christ.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise." (Gal 3:28-29)

This means that no matter what our background is or what anyone says, for those who put their faith in Jesus, our identity is clear. We are sons and heirs with Christ. We may still hold onto our other identities, but our primary identity is defined and bestowed to us by God.

Like the Galatians, we struggle with legalism and turning back to the law, and the reason why is because we may not be clear about our identity.We seek to define our own identity when we are legalistic. We are always striving to live up to what we define our identity to be.


This is the opposite of having our identity secure in Christ secured by Christ alone. Christ had done all the work. For those who have our identity in Christ, no more work is required. Now instead of striving we can rest in Christ's completed work and allow his Spirit to work in us for good works.

God defines our identity because he is the Creator, and Christ has redeemed us, giving us new identity.

Christians should think of ourselves rightly, according to how God has defined us in the Bible. This is in God's design and it is good.

Therefore, this is something that we desire to teach our youths as well. This is why for this year we are tackling the topic of identity. During our camp we will be looking through God’s word and studying what the Bible tells us about what God tells us about who we are as male and female.

If you know any youths who might be interested in joining us, please get them to sign up! It will be a great time spent with other youths and leaders. Sign ups are now available here, until the end of November, so do sign up soon.


Reformation Concert 2022


Reflecting on Truth #45