WBS in 2022

The Wednesday Bible Study meets regularly for their mid-week Bible study and Andrew Wong shares about what they have been doing, their focus for 2022 and how COVID has affected their studies. 

Wednesday Bible Study (WBS) invites men and women, of all ages at Grace Baptist Church (GBC) to be equipped to read and listen to God’s Word in an intergenerational context, so that we may speak the truth in love to one another and may grow in the body, under the headship of Christ (Eph 4:15). As such, our studies are more discussion-based, rather than speaker-focused. The leaders merely facilitate the discussion, but God’s Word leads the study. Ultimately, our discussions are aimed at helping us understand God’s Word better, so that we may apply His Word in our lives, and be sanctified through and by it. 

Books read in 2021 and focus in 2022

Reading the books of Malachi and Hebrews in 2021 reminded us about the superiority of the Messiah – Jesus Christ, our perfect, great high priest who offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of our sins.

In 2022, we are reading the book of Acts. In this second book of the Luke-Acts series, we see how the disciples are empowered by the Holy Spirit to become witnesses for Christ to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8).

One of the recurring themes of this book is God’s sovereignty and faithfulness in sustaining the advancement of the gospel and the growth of His church in the face of relentless persecution and suffering. We are particularly focusing on the ministry of Saul/Paul who was chosen according to God’s grace and sovereignty, to bring the gospel both to the Jews and the Gentiles (Acts 9:15-16). We are consistently encouraged by how God continues to advance the gospel so that we may be welcomed into God’s family and kingdom, as fruits of the labour of the apostles.


Throughout the ongoing and evolving COVID-19 situation, the WBS groups have been
continuing to meet through hybrid arrangements so that we can encourage one another as members of the same body (Heb 10:25) and walk together in Christ (Eph 2:10). Amidst the uncertainty, the gathering of believers around the reading and study of God’s Word has reminded and encouraged all of us to trust wholeheartedly in our faithful Lord.

What studies are like

WBS meets every Wednesday evening. We take a break during the last week of each month so that we can devote time to gather for fellowship and prayer at GBC’s monthly prayer meeting.

On other Wednesdays and at suitable sections of the book we are studying, we will conduct either a review of the chapters we have studied or an overview of the chapters we are about to study. These sessions help us to consolidate and reflect on what we’ve learnt about our Lord through His Word, in order to live out His Word in our lives.

A typical WBS session begins at 7.30pm with a short recap of what we had studied in the previous session. Thereafter, we split into smaller groups to study the week’s passage. As we go through the passage together, we will eventually arrive at the main point and purpose for the original readers, and practical applications in view of Christ’s complete and perfect sacrifice on the cross, before closing in a time of prayer.

If you are keen to join WBS, please feel free to contact Matthew Choo (choohc.matthew@gmail.com) or Jena Tang (ptjt0201@gmail.com.sg). Looking forward to meeting you!


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