Trusting God in Uncertain Times

Through Psalm 119, Pastor Oliver reminds and encourages us that amid all the uncertainty, we can trust God's purposeful sovereignty.

We are facing uncertainty again. After four months of Phase 3, as Singapore reopens amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we are implementing heightened restrictions again. We had enjoyed greater levels of normalcy and freedom; we could gather in more significant numbers as a church and even sing again. People even had begun to make plans for gatherings, celebrations and travel. Then COVID-19 infection numbers start to rise. Of more concern was the number of infected and recovered or vaccinated people who were getting infected. On 8 May, restrictions were placed on Singapore to curb the growing number of infections. On 16 May, even more restrictions were implemented. Although it isn't quite circuit breaker again, having to do almost a reset, after the progress we made in overcoming COVID-19 and opening up, has been discouraging. Rightly so, we should submit to the authorities and obey for the love of neighbour, but I cannot but feel discouraged and frustrated by the unsettling uncertainty. When will we experience "normal" again? 

This was when I was pointed to Psalm 119. This psalm is better known as a psalm that speaks of God's Word: its nature and attributes. It is that but also more. It is a psalm that is a prayer dialogue between the psalmist and God. The psalmist experiences the world around him: he experiences suffering and uncertainty. He sees the gap between his experiences and what God promises, and he cries out to God. He recalls the Word of God and God's nature and will. And in doing so, he turns again to trust in God. Of particular weight to me was verses 89-91; it reminds and encourages me that amid all this uncertainty, we can trust God's purposeful sovereignty. 

LORD, your word is forever;
it is firmly fixed in heaven.
Your faithfulness is for all generations;
you established the earth, and it stands firm.
Your judgments stand firm today,
for all things are your servants.
 (Psalm 119:89-91, CSB)

The psalmist proclaims that God's word is forever and eternal: it is fixed and enduringly unchanging. How wonderful it is that we can have certainty in God's Word and His promises. God is faithful to His people, not only those before us but also those that will come after. He is loyal to His word and keeps His promises. We can trust His promises of salvation in Jesus Christ. We can trust God's faithfulness: the psalmist tells us that just as God established the earth and it stands firm today, we can have certainty of God's faithfulness because it stands firm. Finally, we are told that God rules and judges, that He has total sovereign control over all things. All things, both good and bad alike, do His will. Or as the New Living Translation translates verse 91, "for everything serves your plans." 

Grace Baptist Church, we are facing the uncertainty of this pandemic yet again. Many of us will struggle: we will suffer because of the restrictions to combat the virus. Some of us will struggle with mental and emotional health as we enter isolation again. Others will face job and income uncertainty as the economy takes another hit. Yet others will be fearful and anxious for their health and the safety of their loved ones. And yet through it all, 

Your eternal word, O LORD,
stands firm in heaven.
Your faithfulness extends to every generation,
as enduring as the earth, you created.
Your regulations remain true to this day,
for everything serves your plans. (Ps 119:89-91 NLT)

Let us turn to trust in our faithful God with assured certainty! Stay safe and keep healthy! 


The King and His People: Psalms 42-48


The Gospel that Makes Us Together and Alive