Thanksgiving for Elder Chong Tien

At our 31 December 2023 service, we thanked God for the service of Elder Chong Tien, who has completed his 3-year term as an elder. 

Scripture calls us to honour our leaders, and we are thankful to God for Elder Chong Tien for his faithful labours for the sake of God's church here at GBC.

When asked by Pastor Eugene about how he has been encouraged as he served God as an elder, he marvelled at how God has brought many blessings and people of all ages to our church. He is also grateful for the team of leaders that God has provided us with, who are focused on loving the church by preaching and teaching the gospel and discipling the members. 

Chong Tien also encouraged the church to continue to pray for our leaders -- for wisdom from God to guide and lead the church well. As a church, we can continue to pray for Chong Tien too, as he continues his ministry to fellow members -- something he has been doing tirelessly all this while. He also shared his desire to hold fast to the gospel in order to finish well. 


We thank God for Chong Tien's service and example of faithfulness, and also thank God for his wife, Cheng See's support all these years, and continue to pray for them as they love and serve among the body. 

You can find out more about our staff and non-staff elders here. If you'd like to find out more about GBC (e.g. what we believe, how we live our life together as a body), join us at the next Church Matters class!  


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