Sermon Schedule: Genesis 12-50 -- Generations of Grace

This series in Genesis 12-50 will run from January to August in 2022. Genesis is an important book as this first book of the Pentateuch is about origins. It provides context for the rest of the Pentateuch by explaining the nature of God and the place of man in God’s creation. It also explains sin and its consequences, as well as God’s response (judgment and salvation).


Genesis divides into two major sections: primeval history (Gen 1-11) and patriarchal history (Gen 12-50). Genesis 1-11 set the stage for God’s redemptive plan, enacted through his promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The focus sharpens to one man, Abraham, his family, and his descendants. The patriarchal narratives, in turn, set the stage for God’s redemption of Israel from Egypt in the Exodus.

Last year, we had a series that took us through Genesis 1-11. Genesis 1-11 provides the foundation for knowing God, ourselves, as well as God’s gracious purpose and plan for creation after the fall.

In this next section from Genesis 12-50, we will be led to see God’s faithfulness to His promise to crush the serpent through the woman’s seed. In these chapters, God works out His redemptive plan through Abraham and his offspring. In him, all the nations of the world will be blessed. The patriarchal narratives encourage us to have faith in our faithful God, who shows grace to His people.

Gen 12:1-3 reveals the three key elements of God’s saving promises: people (seed), place (Promised Land), and rule (blessing). In fact, this passage is foundational for our understanding of all of Scripture: God will fulfil His saving promises—God’s people in God’s place under God’s rule. This further develops the proto-gospel of the serpent-crushing seed of the woman in Gen 3:15.

Ultimately, God’s redemptive promises concerning Abraham’s family line are fulfilled in Christ (cf. Gal 3:16). By looking forward to a King who will bless the nations, Genesis is foundational for the rest of the Bible. Along with the promise of a King, Genesis also focuses on the expectations of land and seed.

Major themes

There are some distinct themes that run throughout the book of Genesis. God’s promise to bless the nations and to reverse the curse of sin is shown throughout the book. He has a redemptive plan to bless the nations through Abraham’s seed, and graciously calls and chooses men and women for Himself despite their sins and shortcomings. Throughout the chapters, God continues to remain faithful to His promises and graciously works through flawed individuals to accomplish His plan of salvation.

This is a God who makes and keeps His covenant and protects His covenant people. As He works all things for the good of His people according to His sovereign will, we catch a glimpse of how He will eventually save through the unjust suffering of His beloved and innocent Son, Jesus. 

Preparing for the series

This is our sermon schedule for this series. There are also some ways that we can prepare our hearts to receive God's word every Sunday. Here are some suggestions to start us off: 

  1. Read ahead or read with the sermon each week to deepen our thoughts and reflection on God's Word.

  2. Pray ACTS over what we read about God's character, our sin, God's kindness to us especially in Christ, and how we should respond in faith.

  3. Switch to using a paper Bible in church so that we do not get distracted by the notifications, message and calls from our devices. Or, turn off all notifications or switch our phones to "airplane mode" during the service.

  4. Prepare for worship by bringing stationery and a notebook to take down notes and what God is teaching us so we are not passive.

Let us continue to pray that our hearts will be soft and ready to receive God's Word, and that this Word will bear fruit in our lives.


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