Interview with Samuel Ho

Samuel Ho, who was one of our interns last year, recently joined us as a Ministry Apprentice. We invited him for this interview to find out more about him as well as some of his plans. 

1. Hi Samuel! Can you introduce yourself and share briefly about how you came to Christ?

I came to Christ in university, when I started to question why I was holding myself back from enjoying the things of this world based on some principles of a faith I had been brought up on but never did quite fully believe. By God’s grace, instead of tossing it aside, I began to seek Him for myself, in searching the Scripture and in prayer. With the grace of godly brothers and sisters at my campus ministry walking alongside me, I began to see the reliability of the Scripture. I was struck hard by my own depravity and even harder by the glorious truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who bore God’s wrath on my behalf and gives me hope beyond this life. I believed in Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and now strive to serve Him with this life, which is no longer mine, but His.

2. How did you end up attending and becoming a member of GBC? 

As I grew in knowledge and understanding of Scripture, I came to convictions that differed from the church I had been attending from young. GBC came up in conversations with godly friends and I started visiting at the beginning of 2020. I had only visited the church physically three times before the pandemic struck and things moved online. Despite this, I saw how the gospel shaped the way church was done and I saw the gospel lived out by her members in the life of the church. I became a member in mid-2020.

3. What led you to the ministry apprenticeship, after the internship programme last year? This is after all not the "usual" pathway for most young Singaporeans. 

I did the ministry internship in 2021 with the intention of further discerning a desire to serve full-time in ministry which had emerged during a time of working in campus ministry. During the internship, this conviction continued to grow, as I understood church, the Christian life, and ministry better. With much prayer, and with the guidance and affirmation of brothers and sisters, I decided to continue to pursue being equipped for ministry by being trained both at a seminary and in the local church, as a ministry apprentice, where I would be able to experience working in local church ministry and at the same time, continue to be mentored and guided as I receive education in school.

4. What are some areas that you hope to work on during this apprenticeship? 

I hope to grow in my understanding of local church ministry and be equipped to think, with biblical wisdom, about different issues relating to local church ministry. I also hope to grow much more in faithful handling, teaching, and outliving of the God’s Word.

5. How can the church be praying for you? 

Please pray that I would grow in humility, gentleness, and self-control. The practicalities of life also sometimes get me anxious and discouraged. Please pray that I learn to be content in all circumstances, and that I seek God first in all things, trusting that He will provide what is needed.


Samuel can be contacted at Read Samuel's sharing about his internship experience here.


Church Picnic on 16 May


Suffering Before Glory