Interview with Gideon, Our New Church Administrator
Gideon, a brother from our Chinese Congregation, has joined GBC as Church Administrator effective 26 Oct 2020. He shares with us how he came to faith and GBC, and how we can pray for him.
1. Could you introduce yourself? How did you come to faith/GBC?
Shalom to my brothers and sisters of Grace Baptist Church. My connection with GBC is closely related with my family as my parents are members of GBC and even served as pastors for a period. My parents have been a strong influence and example to me in the aspects of service and ministry to God and the church. They are both graduates of Singapore Bible College and had served as pastors after graduation. In the first 6 years of my life, we lived in Penang where my parents served as pastors of a church in Penang and thereafter we moved to Taiwan where my father furthered his theological studies and served as a church pastor in Taiwan. While my mother has been a member of GBC since the days when the church was located at Kampong Silat, my father only came to GBC after his time in Taiwan. He served the Lord as GBC’s Chinese Congregation Pastor for 16 years. Ever since then, I have been a member of GBC’s Chinese Congregation.
My wife and I tied the knot at GBC in 2012 and we currently have three beautiful children aged 7, 5 and 21 months old. As a second generation Christian, my faith journey was a process over the years rather than a one-point event. The gospel was shown to me through my parents’ life example as they faithfully serve the church. Their example of leading a prayerful life, teaching the Bible, and living out the gospel in their daily lives was what brought me to faith. I just knew that the God that they believed was true. He is a God who does not forsake those who serve Him faithfully.
Gideon and his wife Gloria with their three beautiful children: (L-R) Naomi, Miriam and Noah.
2. What prompted you to take up this offer to work in GBC when you have a secular job?
Back in 2017, I had attended a 7-day conference in celebration of 500 years of The Reformation which was held in Jakarta. At the conference, I responded to an altar call to commit my life to full-time service to God. Since then, I have been praying and waiting for God to lead me into opportunities to enter to full-time ministry. Therefore, when the position of church administrator was opened, I had viewed it as a possible open door and prayerfully deliberated before making the decision to take on the role. Some did not expect a young man to apply for the position and I do understand that it’s not an easy role to fill. Nevertheless, I believe that the Lord has led my family to this path and in this capacity, may His name be magnified and glorified as I embark on this journey.
3. What are some areas that we can be keeping you in prayer for?
This is a faith journey for my family and we appreciate your prayers. My prayer request would be that even through the role as Church Administrator, may God lead me to opportunities for the gospel to be shared to others and that disciples of Christ would be made as a result.