Interview with Bibianna

Bibianna is our new ministry worker for communications and women’s ministry and she just joined the staff team at the start of August. In this article, we requested for her to introduce herself and the work that she will be doing, and also what prompted her to join GBC in this capacity. 

I’ve been attending GBC with my family since I was a child, so it has been close to 30 years since I first came to GBC! Prior to joining GBC as a staff, I was a researcher in the area of water treatment for about 9 years in all—first as a graduate student, then doing R&D in a Japanese company. 

Perhaps you might wonder, why this change from water research to a ministry worker? I’ve been working with the communications team on the website for the past few years, and have also been serving with the Young Adults ministry. Hence, in one sense, the work of communications and women’s ministry isn’t exactly new. However, there was a lot of praying and waiting on the Lord regarding the decision to serve not in the capacity of a lay volunteer, but as a full-time staff. 

There were many fears when I first saw this position. I feared the changes that would come. I wondered if I would have the correct skillsets for the job. I was worried about the unknown future. But as I wrestled with these, God provided clarity through His word to reassure me of who He is. God, through the work of the Spirit, also convicted me that trusting Him by faith—what I committed to when I first became a Christian—is not just an abstract idea nor a once-off commitment. At this point in my life, it meant trusting Him to be bigger than my fears, and to also believe that He will provide the resources and strength to do His work. 

God provided many friends who prayed alongside me and pointed me back to His word when my doubts clouded my view and understanding of God. There were also a number of surprising, providential events that served to assure me and affirm this decision. (There’s no space to write them all down here, but I’m happy to chat and share if you’re keen to know more!) 

As for the work that I will be doing, for communications, my role will focus on coordinating and putting out the relevant information when necessary. This will take the form of regular pieces, such as our weekly e-news, and also ad hoc pieces of news, such as new COVID safe management measures. This will not only focus on announcements, but will also include resources that can build up the church. 

GBC has many women who are discipling and helping each other grow, and that has been very encouraging. Moving forward, my role will be to continue to encourage these ladies in the work, and to help more ladies to do so. As a ministry worker, I will also work closely with the pastors and elders, who are also keen to help women grow in the love and knowledge of Christ. 

Do keep me in prayer as I transition and begin the work at GBC. Some of you might understand the difficulty of starting a new job in a COVID era with all the safe management measures in place. Pray for me as I figure out the practical matters pertaining to the work. 

I’m also excited to be meeting and getting to know the different people in GBC. Pray for me as I meet the different ladies and learn about the different discipling work going on in GBC. Pray for me as I work together with the pastors to build up the church, and to encourage the women in their walk to know and love God more, and to grow in holiness. 

And as I go about with the different tasks and ministry opportunities, you can pray that I will learn what it means to fear God, not man or the many other things that I fear. Pray that I will also learn more of what it is to have the joy of the Lord as my strength.


During our service on 29 Aug, Pastor Oliver interviewed Bibianna on her role and how we could support and pray for her. We are so thankful for Bibianna!

If you would like to contact her, you can do so at


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