Installation of Mark Collins

We thank God for bringing Mark, Megan and their children to us. As a church, we had the privilege of installing Mark Collins as our newest pastor for family ministries at our weekend services.

As Mark Collins was installed as our pastor and an elder in the ECL team at both services, Pastor Eugene reminded us that we are first and foremost, thankful to God for providing a Saviour, Jesus Christ. The church is created by Christ because of the gospel, because of what He has done to gather sinners to Himself. God also gives to His church through the risen Christ, men who will serve Him faithfully as undershepherds of God's people. This is for the good of God's people and ultimately for the glory of His name as the gospel goes forth.

As a church, we also read 1 Peter 5:1-5 together. This passage lays out the responsibility of our elders, and as members, it also shapes how we could be praying for our elders too.  

Mark was joined on stage by the existing elders team, as he affirmed the elders' vows. The vows consisted of ten different statements regarding his faith and calling. All our elders affirm these statements upon their installations, and the statements pertain to: 

  • Faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour

  • Belief in the Scripture as the Word of God, trustworthy, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, the supreme, final and infallible rule of faith 

  • Belief that Grace Baptist Church's Statement of Faith and Members' Covenant contain the truth taught in the Holy Scripture

  • A pledge to submit to the government and discipline of the church, and a submission to fellow elders in the Lord 

  • A pledge to endeavour to be faithful and diligent in the exercise of the duties of an elder 

  • A commitment to take personal responsibility to oversee the ministry and resources of the church, and to shepherd God's flock 

The church also pledged to receive Mark as our elder, recognising that he is Christ's gift to this church. We also committed, by the grace of God, to love and pray for him in his ministry and to work together with him in a humble and cheerful way that we may accomplish the mission of the church to the glory of God. 


Pastor Eugene led us to pray for Mark that God would strengthen him and help him to be a faithful shepherd of God's people, that he will exercise oversight willingly and eagerly, that he will be a faithful example of Christ to the rest of us. Pastor Eugene also thanked God for the support and help that Megan has been to Mark, and prayed that she will be filled with joy as they serve together. We also lifted their children in prayer, that they will be encouraged during their time with us, and that as a church, we too, can open our hearts to them and love them well.  

As Mark and Megan settle in and begin their ministry among us, let us continue to keep them in prayer and open our hearts to them. 



You can watch the installation service here. Mark can also be contacted at


Lent: Jesus Gave His Life as a Ransom for Many


Recap of 2Q22 QCM