Grace Baptist Church’s Ministry Internship

Last week, we introduced three new interns who will be starting their internship with GBC in July. Wonder what they will do during this five-month-long internship? Pastor Eugene answers your questions.

What is the Ministry Internship? 

God has entrusted the local church with the primary responsibility of training believers for the work of the gospel. Pastors are called to equip the saints for ministry, for building up the body of Christ towards Christlike maturity (Eph 4:12-13). The church is to steward the gospel well, by ensuring that it is faithfully passed on to others (2 Tim 2:2). Together, as the people of God, we are responsible for affirming men and women for vocational ministry, setting them apart for the work of the gospel (Acts 13:2). 

GBC’s Ministry Internship is a key part of our efforts to develop men and women for local church ministry and missions. Its main objectives are: 

  To help an intern develop a biblical-theological vision and practice of ministry. 

  To provide an intern with the opportunity to gain practical ministry experience in a local church, under the direct supervision and care of GBC’s pastors-elders. 

  To further clarify an intern’s potential call to full-time, vocational ministry. 

The internship is five months long, running from July to November. Each cohort will have a maximum of five interns. Interns will work with the church full-time and receive a monthly stipend. 

What does an intern do? 

The content of the internship can be divided into these main components: 

•  Personal reading, reflection and writing: Interns will read a number of books and write response papers throughout the duration of the internship. 

•  Group study and discussions: Interns will meet as a group weekly with at least one of the pastors to discuss their papers. They will also participate in a Bible study with one another. 

•  Ministry: Interns are expected to be actively involved in the life and ministries of the church. Each intern is also encouraged to meet with other church members for personal discipleship. 

•  Meetings: Interns will be involved in pastoral staff meetings. They will also schedule meetings with each elder and deacon, as well as with a variety of church members and care groups. These meetings enable the interns to learn about various aspects of the church’s life. 

•  Online learning: Interns will take online courses with the Simeon Trust. 

A typical workweek for an intern involves participating in various aspects of these components, as well as attending the public gatherings of the church (eg. Sunday service, care group meetings, prayer meeting, etc.). 

The books covered during the internship include:

  1. Taking God at His Word (Kevin DeYoung)

  2. God’s Big Picture (Vaughan Roberts)

  3. Dig Deeper (Nigel Beynon & Andrew Sach)

  4. Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church (Michael Lawrence)

  5. Cutting to the Heart (Chris Green)

  6. Knowing God (JI Packer)

  7. The Whole Christ (Sinclair Ferguson)

  8. The Christian Life (Sinclair Ferguson)

  9. The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ (Ray Ortlund)

  10. The Church (Mark Dever)

  11. Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (Mark Dever)

  12.  Centre Church (Timothy Keller)

  13.  Evangelism (Mack Stiles)

  14.  Let the Nations Be Glad (John Piper)

  15.  Church Elders (Jeramie Rinne)

  16.  Biblical Foundations for Baptist Churches (John Hammett)

  17.  Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome (Kent Hughes)

  18.  The Trellis and the Vine (Colin Marshall & Tony Payne)

  19.  How People Change (Timothy Lane & Paul Tripp)

  20.  Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands (Paul Tripp)  

Who is it for? 

The internship is for Christians, both men and women, who are exploring the possibility of entering full-time, vocational ministry. It can help a person better discern God’s call on his or her life. Becoming an intern does not necessarily commit a person to subsequent full-time, vocational ministry. It is part of the process of evaluating one’s suitability for such gospel work. 

The internship is open to members of GBC and to those who are able to become members, at least for the duration of their internship.  

After the internship, some interns go on to formal theological education. Some may join GBC’s staff in various roles, depending on the needs of the church. Some may pursue a calling to cross-cultural missions. Some may decide to return to the marketplace and resume their ministry there.

How do I apply? 

Please contact Pastor Eugene (


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