God Has Equipped Us to Do Good Works

Various members wrote the daily devotional for our recent church camp. This meditation on Ephesians 2:10 was written by Yap Kim Meng


The Message version makes it even simpler—"He creates each of us in Christ Jesus to join him in the work he does, the good work he has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing".

We praise you for being a good God and a generous God. How can one resist such a good offer? We thank you that you had prepared beforehand for us to do such good works—to love and do good works to our fellow brethren in Christ. Thank you that I’m this way, we can honour you and bring about blessings to our brethren.


Meditation and application

Doing good works, especially spiritual good to our fellow brethren is not difficult. All the more when it is something God desires for us to do. Loving them, building them up, encouraging them—they become a platform to carry out our daily application to our lives when we read the Word. Obeying the Spirit’s prompting to reach out and do good to our brethren—it does not get any easier. Let us keep an eye out on ways that we can show love and encouragement to those around us. We can also pray for them and carry out steps to do spiritual good. These are all are very do-able! 

As an additional step of accountability, ask someone to check on you—"Have you carried it out? If not, why?" 

Some time ago, I was led to pray aloud to bless a wonton seller and ask the Lord to protect this hawker from COVID-19. But I was afraid. So I asked others to check on me. Finally I did it and it was not as difficult as I imagined. In fact, the hawker and his wife thanked me for this act.


LORD, help me to carry out my intent to do spiritual good to my brethren. Help me be accountable to others to check on me that I will do as You so lead me. Let my light so shine before men that they may see my good works and give glory to the Father.


Gospel Opportunities


Precept: Studying the Book of Zechariah