Run to Jesus, Not Google

Bibianna reflects on how the recent Hebrews series has been encouraging, and calls us to turn to Jesus regardless of how we're feeling or the circumstances we are in.

What do you do when you have a question or encounter a problem? My first instinct is to find a manual or Google it. A weird medical symptom, a technical problem, random trivia—I’ve definitely gone to the search engine to find the answers for it.

But as we all know, the things in life that a search engine can answer are really the simple things in life. There are questions and struggles that no search engine, and perhaps, no other person can give us the answers too. These can be great emotional distresses, or even the Big Questions of Life—"How can this happen to me?", or "Why is this the case?" or "What is my purpose in life?" etc. For the Christian walking through these overwhelming times personally, or with others, we know that God’s Word is an important help.


Yet, there are times when we can be tempted to approach Scripture as we do search engines and expect a quick answer to our problems. God did not leave us with an encyclopedia or a “choose your own adventure” kind of book. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 teaches us, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” Scripture is not life's FAQ portal but these are “wonderful words of life”. It challenges our understanding of life's purpose and in them, we find all we need to be made complete and equipped for every good work. Scripture shows us how God’s Word became flesh, fully God and fully man and as Hebrews has been showing us, Jesus is better.

I think we will all readily agree with this truth, but in our struggle and need, perhaps you, like me, may find that we tend to explore every other option instead of turning to God through Christ. We can research or draw up a plan or seek help from others, and these can often be good solutions too. But there is particular comfort too in remembering that we can turn to Jesus when our needs and the burdens of others feel too great—not as a last resort when we've exhausted all avenues, but as the first course of action. 


As Hebrews 4:15-16 teaches us, Jesus has been tempted "in every respect", yet is without sin. The writer goes on to press in the application for us by telling us that therefore, we can draw near to Him in times of need. Our weakness does not keep us from Him. In Christ, all who have placed their faith in Him have their sins forgiven. He understands what we struggle with, and He also knows what to do with our needs. Jesus is not only sympathetic, He is able to help.

What a comfort this is! It corrects two possible misconceptions we might have—that Jesus doesn't understand or He is unable to help. Scripture shows us His heart and His ability. 

This is also comforting because it means that we can bring to Him not only our needs, but the burdens of others. It can be overwhelming when we see others struggling and we are unable to help. This verse reminds us that the one who truly saves is not us nor our strategies, but we are to go to Jesus. The best thing we can do is to run to Him, and point others back to Him. 

The pages of Scripture also show us God doesn’t just dispense grace and solve our problems from a distance. He draws near to us too and promises His presence. Isaiah 43:1a–2 was written to God’s people while they were in exile, and He assures them of His presence even amidst the deep waters, rivers and fires: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”

God's people were told that they had no need to fear because of their secure identity—they have been redeemed and are now His. Later in Isaiah 43:4, He also speaks of His love for them. Yet, their identity as His does not exempt them from experiencing difficulties. God’s promise to them is not a comfortable life, but He promises to be with them when they are going through these.

This is our comfort today too. In Christ, we have one who understands, and we can turn to Him in our time of need and He is also with us. He is the Emmanuel—God with us. 


In a church of our size, I know that there are many needs and struggles that we are facing even right now. Whether it’s you or another person who’s struggling, let’s take it all to Jesus. Of course, in our discipling and as we practise the 'one anothers’, there are many ways that we are called to practically help and serve each other. But as we do so, let us always remember that we never do so on our own strength. While our knowledge is limited and we are not always wise, Jesus knows and is wise, and loves us. 

Take heart, and press on! 

Come you weary heart now to Jesus
Come you anxious soul now and see
There is perfect love and comfort in your tears
Rest here in His wondrous peace 

Oh the goodness, the goodness of Jesus
Satisfied, He is all that I need
May it be, come what may, that I rest all my days
In the goodness of Jesus

(The Goodness of Jesus by City Alight


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