GBC Church Camp 2023

After a 4 year wait, GBC’s next church camp is finally coming up! The theme is "Doing Spiritual Good". How do we do spiritual good? What does this mean for the church? What does this mean for me and you?

Let us prayerfully reflect on these questions as we consider going for camp. Come for a precious getaway from busy lives – for a time of spiritual recharge and getting to know and fellowshipping with fellow GBC members.

"I myself am satisfied about you, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another."
Romans 15:14)


Date: 28-31 May (Sun to Wed)
Venue: Forest City Golf Hotel, JB


Registration and cash/cheque payment for the camp can be done at the Church Camp booth in the Fellowship Hall after service starting 15th Jan. Alternatively, you can also sign-up online at: or via this QR Code: 


Register soon!

The camp is also certainly open to non-members. We welcome you to come get to know us and for us to know more of you!

We hope to see you then, by God’s grace!


Fragrance of the Glory of God


Meaningful Membership