Family Dedication (October 2023)

Two families participated in the Family Dedication at our 29 October 2023 service. The four families were: 

  • The Gohs – Yi Le and Sarah, with Elsabeth and baby Emmaus.

  • The Tans – Jonathan and Kiyoko, with Kazumi and babies Jinsuke and Keina.


Pastor Jeremy shared that the Bible teaches us that every child is precious to the Lord and are a blessing to our community. Children are precious because they too, are made in the image of our God. We are also given the privilege of showcasing and sharing with our children the wondrous works of our good and great God. This might contrast with what the world says -- that children are sometimes seen as inconveniences or burdens.

Unlike baptism and the Lord's supper, this dedication is not an ordinance. Nevertheless, we regard this as an opportunity for families and the church to commit to discipling the children that God has entrusted to us. Deuteronomy 6 shows us how God exhorts us to love Him and to also teach these truths to our children. Ephesians 6:4 also has a similar command, where fathers are told to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. 

Both families chose meaningful names for their children, and the church heard their desire as parents for their children to come to know God and the goodness of the gospel. Indeed as the families recited their commitment, and the church also pledged to be their help, let us continue to pray for our families and children. Let us pray God will work in the hearts of our children even as their parents, and the church family seek to faithfully share and model the gospel. 


Meditating on the New Creation


Church Picnic on 13 Nov 2023