Family Dedication (Nov 2021)
During the last weekend of November, we praised and thanked God for the gift of families and children, and undertook the commitment to disciple the ten children whom God has entrusted to us.
On 27 and 28 Nov 2021, we had the wonderful privilege of dedicating 10 babies unto the Lord! During the family dedication on both days, Ps Oliver and Ps Eugene emphasised that unlike baptism or the Lord’s Supper, the act of family dedication is not an ordinance. We are not baptising these children. We believe Scripture teaches that baptism is only for those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, we regard family dedication as an opportunity for the parents as well as the church family to commit to discipling the children in the knowledge and ways of the Lord.
Family dedication at Saturday’s service
During Saturday's service, we dedicated Baby Archie (of Bernard and Janine) and Baby Theophilus (of Joshua and Tiffany); and during Sunday's service, we dedicated Baby Nathan (of Joshua and Liane), Baby Naomi (of Cher Ming and Cecilia), Baby Elliot (of Andrew and Esther), Baby Naomi (of Nehemiah and Sze-Ern), Baby Ellen (of Jing Ren and Rachel), Baby Charlotte (of Sidney and Andrea), Baby Beth (of Glen and Ruth) and Baby Reneé (of Aaron and Shermaine).
Family dedication at Sunday’s service
The parents committed themselves first to the Lord, then to instruct their children in His ways, as they pledged to:
wholeheartedly glorify God, to trust in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His finished work on their behalf, and to depend on the power of His Holy Spirit.
sacrificially love each other so that their marriages faithfully reflect the love of Christ for His bride, the church.
love God's church: to invest themselves in building Christ-centred relationships in this community, so that their children can also be discipled by others in this family of faith.
raise their children with godly affection, instruction and discipline. As God has entrusted to them the responsibility for discipling their children, they will endeavour, with God's help, to teach their children about the Good News of Jesus Christ and what it means to live by faith in Him.
In response, the church family committed to encourage these families in Christ, as we pledged to:
sacificially love these families, and reflect the grace of Jesus Christ by sharing our lives with them.
encourage them in Christ, and to love these children whom God has given them.
endeavour to partner with them to raise these children in the Faith and ways of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
What a great joy it is that through these familial relationships, we have the wonderful privilege of reflecting the love of our Heavenly Father and telling of His wondrous works to the next generation!