Family Dedication (June 2024)

We had the joy of holding a Family Dedication at our 30 June 2024 service. Four families participated in this Dedication, and they were: 

  • the Loos — Sidney, Andrea, Charlotte, with baby Eleanor

  • the Lims — Bernard, Janine, Archie with baby Alfie

  • the Gohs — Kevin, Samantha, with baby Adele

  • the Khohs — Matthew, Jennilyn with baby Ian

Pastor Jeremy reminded us of how precious children are to the Lord and are a blessing to the community. Here at GBC, we give thanks to God for the gift of family and children. Parents and the adults in the church community have the task of reflecting God’s love to them, and recount His wondrous works.

This Family Dedication is an opportunity for families and the church to commit to discipling the children that God has entrusted to us. God exhorts us to love Him and to also teach these truths to our children (c.f. Deut 6). In the New Testament, fathers are told to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (c.f. Eph 6:4). 

Pastor Jeremy gave time to the families to share why they chose these names for their children. The church heard their desire as parents for their children to come to know God and the goodness of the gospel. The families recited their commitment, and the church also pledged to be their help.

Church, let us continue to pray for our families and children. Let us pray God will work in the hearts of our children as their parents, and the church family share and model the gospel. Let us also get to know these families and their children, to encourage and to be encouraged by them.


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