Church Picnic (13 Nov 2023)

How do you spend your public holidays? For many in GBC, the morning of 13 November 2023, a public holiday, was spent at our church picnic. 

We ended the year with another church picnic held at Fort Canning Park. There was no fixed programme but many from GBC brought food and games to share with each other.  Many moved from one picnic mat to the other to meet others, and to share the food that they brought. The children ran around the open field and kept themselves entertained with ball games, bubbles and even playing with the pets of some members. At one point in the morning, a spontaneous football game was played in the open field among some of the adults present. 


It was encouraging to see different people come together to spend time with one another out of the usual Sunday corporate worship. The time that we spent together allowed us to form not only precious memories, but also provided another time and opportunity to build relationships and do spiritual good to one another. Those who have been at GBC for a while took this opportunity to reach out to and meet new worshippers and members that came for the picnic. Adults spent time getting to know and play with the children and youths in our midst. It was a glimpse of how we could live as a family, and how the gospel does transcend some natural boundaries. 


Were you at the picnic? If so, we hope you have been encouraged and are looking forward to the next one! If you missed it, we hope that you will consider joining the next one! Keep a look out for the announcements regarding our next picnic in 2024. 


The Local Church and Building Healthy Churches


The Ministry of Women: Discipleship