Baptisms and Transfers—September 2023
We had the joy of welcoming 23 new members in the month of September over two Sundays. Five joined us by baptism while the other nineteen joined us by transfer.
On 17 September 2023, Evon and Emma testified to God's work in their lives slowly but surely over the years. Both shared about how God used various circumstances, even difficult ones to draw them to Him. We were also encouraged to hear of how different church members have welcomed them into their lives and journeyed with them by reading the Bible, speaking gospel truths and displaying the love of Christ in tangible ways. Indeed, it is a timely and humbling reminder that God calls us to do this for each other, but only He gives the growth. May their testimonies spur us to continue to be faithful with the relationships that God has placed in our lives.
Evon and Emma were baptised upon the profession of their faith.
Similarly, on 24 September 2023, Enzo, Adalia and Eugene shared about how God called them out of darkness into His marvellous light. They shared how God spoke to them through various opportunities to hear His word through small group studies, Sunday corporate gatherings and even online sermons. God also brought different people to explain the gospel to them. What an encouragement to hear of how God uses ordinary means of grace to achieve the extraordinary work of conversion!
Enzo, Adalia and Eugene shared their testimonies in ffront of the congregation.
The testimonies of the other members who joined us by transfer can be found here (17 September and 24 September). We encourage all members to read and reach out to the new members to welcome them.
Andrew, Carine, Dinnie, Nicholas, Justin, Esther, Emma, Evon and Matthias were introduced to the congregation.
We welcome Jing Ren, Joe, Florence, Joanne, Eugene, Adalia, Enzo, Kian Lee, Joyce, Ruth, Jeremy and Kenneth.
If reading this has prompted you to consider baptism, or if you are interested to find out more about this God that they speak about, feel free to reach out to our pastors, elders or your care group leaders! We'd love to chat and share more.
For the rest of us, hearing and reading their testimonies can also encourage us to think about our own conversion and journey. As the lyrics of Amazing Grace goes, all who have placed their faith in Christ can readily say: "I once was lost, but now am found/ Was blind, but now I see". How did God draw you to Himself? How has He kept you over the years? May we be encouraged by God's work in our lives, and praise Him for His grace to us! Let us also be ready to share it with those around us—whether it's a non-Christian we meet, or it's a fellow CG member, or a new church member that we are introduced to in the Fellowship Hall.