Baptisms and Transfers -- 26 February 2023
On 26 February 2023, we had the joy of welcoming new members at our service! That morning, we welcomed 12 new members – 4 by baptism, while the other 8 joined us by transfer. Their testimonies can be found on our website via this link.
Pastor Eugene reminded us that baptism is a sign of what Christ has done for us in His life, death and resurrection. It does not save us, but is a picture of the salvation that has already happened because of what Jesus has done. In baptism, when we enter the water, it is a sign that we have been joined to Christ in His death. Our old, sinful selves have died with Christ. When we are brought out of the water, it is a sign of our resurrection together with Christ. We are united to Christ in His resurrection and have new life.
Baptism of Sarah (top left), Christoper (top right), Christine (bottom left) and Wei Jie (bottom right)
Each new member had a wonderful testimony of how God has saved them and how God has worked in their lives. In their baptism, they affirm the truths that Jesus died, buried and rose according to the Scriptures. They also admit that they have sinned but have turned away from sins, to put their faith in Christ alone to save and to give new life.
As we witnessed their profession of faith and read their testimonies, may it also cause us to praise God for the work that He is doing in our world. He is working to draw His people to Himself. Many of our new members have shared that they were invited to church or Bible studies, or had conversations with Christians and these gradually helped them to know more about God and the gospel. May their testimonies also encourage us to persevere in boldly and faithfully bringing His word to those around us, who need to hear of this Saviour.
New members (from L to R): Sebastian, Athena, Meei Fang, Moreen, Hong Jie, Christine, Sarah, Christopher, Lucas, Elliot, Jasmine. (Hui Li was unable to be present.)
Finally, as we witness these baptisms, let us also thank God for how He has brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Whether you are new Christian or a more mature one, let us never tire of the marvelling at how God has saved us, and continue to grow in our love for Him!
GBC warmly welcoming the new members after service
You may view the service here, and read the testimonies here if you've missed it. If you'd like to find out more about church membership and baptism, you can join our next Church Matters class, or write to Pastor Eugene (